
Vermilion rockfish swimming between boulders
CDFW photo by A. Maguire


CDFW works with NOAA Fisheries Service, the states of Oregon and Washington and the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) to manage groundfish fisheries on a sustainable basis.

More than 90 species of bottom-dwelling marine finfish are included in the federal Groundfish Fishery Management Plan (GFMP) implemented by the PFMC in 1982. Species and species groups managed under the GFMP include all rockfishes (about 60 species), sablefish, thornyheads, lingcod, Dover sole and other flatfishes (not including halibut), Pacific whiting, and some sharks and skates. Since then, these species have been managed under the joint jurisdiction of the state and the federal government.

The Nearshore Fishery Management Plan (NFMP), mandated by the Marine Life Management Act in 1998, provides the basis for managing California's nearshore finfish fisheries. Nineteen finfish species are included in the NFMP; sixteen of them also occur in the GFMP.

Many groundfish species are important to commercial and/or recreational fisheries. In addition, they are important to scuba divers for their observational value and to the general public for their intrinsic value. The commercial and recreational groundfish fisheries are managed to ensure long-term resource sustainability and economic, recreational, cultural and social benefits.

Groundfish News

Recreational Fishing

For current recreational groundfish regulations, see CDFW’s Summary of Recreational Groundfish Fishing Regulations page. Make sure to check this page for the current seasons, depths, bag limits, and size limits in your management area. As a reminder, groundfish seasons may be subject to in-season changes if catch limits are projected to be exceeded by the end of each year.

Ocean Sport Fishing Interactive Map(opens in new tab)

Frequently Asked Questions

Commercial Fishing

20-Fathom Boundary Line off California

What is the 20-fm Boundary Line?

The 20-fathom boundary line is defined by connecting a series of latitude and longitude coordinates, which generally approximate the depth contour. The 20-fathom boundary line is defined along the mainland coast, as well as separate and individually around the Channel Islands off California. The boundary line may be used to prohibit or restrict certain groundfish fishing activities in the commercial and/or recreational fishery between itself and another defined boundary. Regulations may vary by geographic area and by fishery. Please check current regulations for the area and fishery in which you intend to participate to determine applicability of the 20-fathom boundary line. See also: Commercial Groundfish Regulations in State Waters and Summary of Recreational Groundfish Fishing Regulations(opens in new tab).

Download the coordinates for the 20-fm Boundary Lines

CDFW has formatted the worksheet in this file so that the data may be more easily used in mapping software. Coordinates delineating the 20-fathom boundaries are given in CSV format (comma-delimited ASCII text format). CSV format presents data in a basic format, allowing for easier transitions to different software. CSV files can be opened with Microsoft Excel or imported into a text file.

This file contains all of the latitude and longitude coordinates representing a the 20-fathom boundary lines off California, including along the mainland coast and around the Channel Islands. To find boundaries for specific sections of the coast, open the file and scroll through the coordinates until the appropriate section of the coast is reached.

Any discrepancies between the CSV coordinate file provided here and the coordinates published in the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 35.00(opens in new tab) will be resolved in favor of the California Code of Regulations.

DOWNLOAD 20-fm Boundary Waypoint file(.csv)

Coordinates delineating the Federal Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) lines and other groundfish closures can be downloaded at NOAA Fisheries West Coast Groundfish Closed Area page(opens in new tab).

CSV File Worksheet Column Header Key

  • id_area = unique identifying number for a particular coordinate within a particular line
  • area_name = identifying name for a particular line at a particular depth contour, primarily distinguishes between coastwide lines and lines around islands
  • lat_dd = latitude for a particular coordinate, given in decimal degrees
  • lon_dd = longitude for a particular coordinate, given in decimal degrees
  • lat_deg = degrees latitude for a particular coordinate
  • lat_min = decimal minutes for a particular coordinate, associated with the degrees latitude for that coordinate
  • lat_dir = latitude direction (N = North)
  • lon_deg = degrees longitude for a particular coordinate
  • lon_min = decimal minutes for a particular coordinate, associated with the degrees longitude for that coordinate
  • lon_dir = longitude direction (W = West)

Map Viewer

This map displays the 20-fathom groundfish boundary line and the 50-fathom rockfish conservation area line along the mainland coast and those around the Channel Islands for reference. Users are encouraged to check regulations pertaining to the fishery and area in which they intend to fish to determine applicability of the 20-fathom groundfish boundary line and the 50-fathom rockfish conservation area line.

Groundfish Identification

Groundfish Resources

Groundfish Management

Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
Email CDFW's Marine Region  |  (831) 649-2870
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