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The Forage-Animal Production Research Unit in Lexington, Kentucky is located within the transition zone of the Eastern and Midwestern United States. As this transition zone is a major contributor to forage-animal production in the United States, the unit was established with the mission to improve productivity, profitability, competitiveness and sustainability of forage-based enterprises within the zone. This mission is accomplished through the use of multidisciplinary teams which work to identify, evaluate, and manipulate genetic and physiological factors for the enhancement of food animal and equine health and performance and to improve forage plant persistence, quality, and production.

Drs. Isabelle Kagan and Michael Flythe's video publication in the Journal of Visualized Experiments, Thin-layer Chromatographic Separations and Bioassys of Plant Extracts to Identify Antimicrobial Compounds . (110 MB, 12:04) 

Drs. Michael Flythe and Glen Aiken article link to "Red Clover: and alternative to antibiotic growth promoters?" from Progressive Cattle Magazine, March, 2016,  

The Forage-animal Production Research is located in Lexington, KY and is part of the Midwest Area.
Phone: 859-257-1647
Fax: 859-257-3334
USDA-ARS-MwW-FAPRU; 1100 South Limestone
N-220 Ag Sci North, University of Kentucky Campus
Lexington, KY 40506