Local Plan Review

About the Local Plan Review

We are reviewing our adopted Local Plan.

The Braintree District Local Plan is part of a wider Development Plan. The Local Plan provides a framework for growth and development across the district up to 2033. It was formally adopted by the Council in two sections – Section 1 in January 2021 and Section 2 in January 2022

It is a key document which sets out planning policies and proposals that will help guide future development and identifies land for future housing, employment and infrastructure needs, whilst best protecting and enhancing the natural and built environment. 

We are required to review (and if necessary update) the local plan at least every five years.

At Local Plan Sub Committee on 7th March the decision was made to commence work on a refresh and roll forward of the Braintree District Local Plan to 2041, to be submitted for examination by the end of June 2025.

This review is subject to this position being reviewed if/when a new Local Plan system, guidance and transitional arrangements are released by central government.

The early stages of the work will include engagement with Parish Councils, Town Councils and statutory consultees plus work will also take place to update our evidence base and supporting documents including housing numbers, employment land, retail space, open space and sports facilities, all of which will inform and shape the revised Plan.

The Council held a ‘Call for Sites’ inviting developers, landowners and others to put forward sites, ideas and proposals which might be suitable for development as part of the Local Plan review process between 10th April and 24th May 2024.

Page updated May 2024


Planning Policy

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525