National Good Neighbor Day: uniting communities, one hello at a time

Published on September 24, 2023

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On Thursday, Sept. 28, it’s National Good Neighbor Day. The theme of the day is “It Starts with Hello,” opening up communication in your community and meeting your neighbors.

Why it matters: “Good neighbors make great neighborhoods.” This campaign is to encourage communities and neighbors to establish a mindset of a good neighbor with the following five pillars for building great neighborhoods:

  • Connection: Introduce yourself and connect with others in your neighborhood. It starts by saying “hello.”
  • Invitation: Invite neighbors to join you for a meal or something fun. Gather around a table because the Latin word “communitas” means the spirit of community and it’s measured by the number of meals shared together.
  • Celebration: When it comes to birthdays, anniversaries or other milestone moments in the lives of others, cheer them on and don’t miss out on congratulating them.
  • Awareness: Keep your eyes and ears open. Stay attentive to the safety and security of the people and homes nearby. We are safer and stronger together.
  • Availability: Availability is the highest benefit of good neighbors who care and look out for one another. When needed, show up to help and support others living around you

For more information, visit Take a picture with a neighbor and post it with #goodneighborday on Thursday, Sept. 28.



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