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Data and Statistics

Annual Report
Annual Report

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) leads Indiana's emergency planning and operations, first responder training and fire and building safety. The Division of Fire and Building Safety (within IDHS) oversees building code enforcement, fire investigations and hazmat and radiation programs. It also certifies and trains thousands of first responders each year. The Emergency Management and Preparedness Division works with local and national partners on emergency planning, preparedness and response, including the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC), which leads response and coordination efforts for large-magnitude incidents. The agency also administers state- and federal-funded grant programs. Learn more about IDHS on the Agency Overview page.

Putting Public Safety Data to Use

Local fire departments and EMS providers regularly submit incident data to IDHS through the ImageTrend system. That information is compiled into reports by national entities, IDHS and others. These reports help spot trends that can drive changes in efforts from the national and state levels to the local level. The data from those reports is also made available to the local agencies and public through interactive dashboards, which show cases when agencies responded to an incident. These are mapped and incident counts are tabulated to help users gain a better understanding of first response activities on the local, county, district and state levels. Similarly, IDHS tracks fatalities that occur in residential settings in an interactive dashboard. Learn more about these dashboards and how they fit into the overall effort to reduce public safety risks on the Community Risk Reduction page.

Requests for data not presented on the IDHS website can be made on the IDHS APRA Portal.

IDHS Annual Reports

Selected Annual Data

  • Grants
    Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)

    The EMPG program makes grants available to states to assist state, local, territorial and tribal governments in preparing for all types of hazards.

    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount of Grants Awarded Grant Sub-Recipients Projects Counties in Which Grants Were Awarded
    2023-24 (FFY24) $3,303,030.11 91 91 91
    2022-23 (FFY23) $3,321,392.00 91 91 91
    2021-22 (FFY22) $3,913,137.00 129 129 90
    2020-21 (FFY21) $4,534,114.00 140 140 91
    2019-20 (FFY20) $2,701,067.00 91 91 91
    2018-19 (FFY19) $3,248,092.00 116 116 92
    2017-18 (FFY18) $3,790,000.00 109 113 90
    2016-17 (FFY17) $3,000,000.00 158 158 91
    2015-16 (FFY16) $3,386,001.50 195 195 90

    Find more information at the Emergency Management Performance Grant page.

    Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP)

    HMEP grants are awarded to Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) and are used for the following purposes:

    • Implementing risk driven, capabilities-based state homeland security strategies
    • Supports state and local abilities to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events.
      • Developing, improving and implementing emergency plans
      • Training public sector hazardous materials emergency response employees to respond to incidents involving hazardous materials in transportation
      • Determining flow patterns of hazardous materials within a state and between states
      • Determining the need within a state for regional hazardous materials emergency response teams
    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount of Grants Awarded Grant Sub-Recipients Projects Counties in Which Grants Were Awarded
    2024-25 (FFY25) $375,263.00 27 27 26
    2023-24 (FFY24) $386,863.00 29 29 29
    2022-23 (FFY23) $419,110.00 35 35 28
    2021-22 (FFY22) $393,429.00 40 40 36
    2020-21 (FFY21) $370,505.00 37 37 34
    2019-20 (FFY20) $376,624.00 47 47 43
    2018-19 (FFY19) $279,497.00 36 36 30
    2017-18 (FFY18) $207,000.00 17 17 17
    2016-17 (FFY17) $506,202.00 34 49 34
    2015-16 (FFY16) $372,833.00 43 65 43

    Find more information at the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant Program page.

    Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)

    The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) is a competitive grant program for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities to nonprofit organizations that are at risk of a terrorist attack.

    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount of Grants Awarded Grant Sub-Recipients Projects Counties in Which Grants Were Awarded
    2023-24 (FFY24) $9,002,700.00 52 65 22
    2022-23 (FFY23) $5,920,158.00 42 45 18
    2021-22 (FFY22) $6,461,517.00 42 41 19
    2020-21 (FFY21) $4,857,565.00 40 47 16
    2019-20 (FFY20) $2,436,508.00 33 33 14
    2018-19 (FFY19) $292,769.00 4 4 4
    2017-18 (FFY18) $353,810.00 5 5 4
    2016-17 (FFY17) $121,490.00 221

    Find more information at the Nonprofit Security Grant Program page.

    Secured School Safety Grant Program
    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount Awarded Number of Award Recipient Schools or School Systems
    2024-25 (FY25) $24,206,587.95 499
    2023-24 (FY24) $29,824,803.67 474
    2022-23 (FY23) $22,911,714.45 425
    2021-22 (FY22) $19,058,808.05 392
    2020-21 (FY21) $19,432,122.54 418
    2019-20 (FY20) $19,081,470.02 429
    2018-19 (FY19) $14,256,526.80 388
    2017-18 (FY18) $7,952,283.06 217
    2016-17 (FY17) $6,332,608.84 171
    2015-16 (FY16) $7,958,281.97 225
    2014-15 (FY15) $8,532,681.26 241
    2013-14 (FY14) $8,357,377.21 226

    Find more information at the Secured School Safety Grant Program page.

    The awarding of grants began in 2014 and continues annually through the Indiana Grants Management System (iGMS). Since 2014, more than $187 million has been awarded to Indiana schools that meet the eligibility requirements in their grant requests.

    From FY14 to FY25, the Indiana Secured School Grant Board has approved 4,105 grant requests.

    Note: Before FY2020, there were only three categories, which were School Resource Officers, Equipment and Threat Assessments. Since FY2020, three categories have been added: Active Event Early Warning System, Student and Parent Support Services, and Other Training.

    State Homeland Security Program (SHSP)

    The SHSP program supports the implementation of risk-driven, capabilities-based state homeland security strategies to address capability targets set in urban area, state and regional Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (THIRA).

    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount of Grants Awarded Grant Sub-Recipients Projects Counties in Which Grants Were Awarded
    2023-24 (FFY24) $4,144,612 34 34 33
    2022-23 (FFY23) $3,878,000.00 35 35 35
    2021-22 (FFY22) $4,605,125.00 37 37 26
    2020-21 (FFY21) $4,372,375.00 35 35 29
    2019-20 (FFY20) $4,073,125.00 38 38 34
    2018-19 (FFY19) $3,260,000.00 41 41 28
    2017-18 (FFY18) $3,184,000.00 70 70 61
    2016-17 (FFY17) $2,737,334.00 54 54 50
    2015-16 (FFY16) $1,008,165.00 50 50 42

    Find more information at the State Homeland Security Program page.

    Indiana Local Body Camera Grant Program
    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount Awarded Number of Award Recipients
    2022-23 (FY23) $479,152 30
    2021-22 (FY22) $1,172,126.38 71

    The state of Indiana, through procedures established by the Indiana State Police and administered by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, provides matching grants to city, town and county law enforcement agencies for the acquisition of body-worn cameras.

    Find more information at the Local Body Camera Grant page.

    Indiana Homeland Security Foundation Grant Program

    The grant program funded public safety projects at the local level through the sale of Secure Indiana license plates.

    Fiscal Year Total Dollar Amount of Grants Awarded Grant Recipients Counties in Which Grants Were Awarded
    2022-23 (FY23) The Foundation was dissolved in 2023 (House Enrolled Act 1001). - -
    2021-22 (FY22) $116,746.00 31 31
    2020-21 (FY21) $133,212.00 37 37
    2019-20 (FY20) $180,999.94 51 42
    2018-19 (FY19) FY19 was skipped to allow the Foundation
    and Secured School Safety grants to be on the same fiscal cycle.
    - -
    2017-18 (FY18) $250,854.00 66 46
    2016-17 (FY17) $91,561.44 31 27
    2015-16 (FY16) $168,364.00 98 31
Data Request? Submit a public records request online for additional agency data.