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Sound Transit's design build contractor releases early design images for future downtown Redmond station

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The design team has released its first set of drawings for Downtown Redmond Station to the City's design review board. Sound Transit's contractor used design requirements developed in partnership with the City and thousands of public comments as its starting point. The design team developed drawings for the elevated platform, the station entrances, the plaza surrounding the station and the end of the elevated tracks. The design team will refine their work for the next several months, including incorporation of artistic concepts as needed. Design drawings for the station in southeast Redmond are still in the works.

Early work getting ready for construction

In addition to the station designs, Sound Transit's design-build contractor is developing plans to construct more than three miles of track along the edge of SR 520, over the Sammamish River, Bear Creek and into Downtown Redmond. In early 2020 you may see some construction work along SR 520, in southeast Redmond and along the Redmond Central Connector trail. Currently, the contractor has begun work to verify what's under the surface including utilities and the makeup of the soil, helping them complete the design of the at-grade and elevated guideway.