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Portland Was Burning Long Before The Federal Surge In Law Enforcement

Contrary to Democrats’ claims, the assistance of federal law enforcement in Portland spurred no civil unrest that wasn’t already present before in the Oregon city.


Contrary to Democrats’ claims and reporting from legacy media seemingly hellbent on downplaying violence from the left, the assistance of federal law enforcement in Portland spurred no civil unrest that wasn’t already present before in the Oregon city.

“This [rioting] has been going on for more than a month now,” Portland’s Democrat Mayor Ted Wheeler complained on July 3 just before the ramped up federal presence. “Violence and vandalism detract from the importance of the larger movement for justice.”

For weeks following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody, Portland police had declared the ongoing protests “riots” as the explosion of chaos tightened its grip on the city.

Now, Portland demonstrators have surpassed their 60th straight day of rioting as the city continues its devastating descent into anarchy. The community’s Democrat leaders have meanwhile begun to aim partisan outrage at President Donald Trump, accusing the White House of fanning the flames of the riots by sending federal law enforcement to prevent the mob from doing just that.

Wheeler now calls federal assistance for his city “an attack on our democracy.” Oregon Democratic Gov. Kate Brown condemned the move as “a blatant abuse of power.” The state’s Democrat Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden even introduced legislation to end the “paramilitary occupation” in U.S. cities where protests in solidarity with Portland have unleashed a second wave of violence.

Legacy media, of course, have indulged and even perpetuated the Democrat narrative that Portland’s violence was catalyzed by federal “stormtroopers” sent in by the evil orange emperor, nevermind the mayor’s own complaints at the beginning of the month. If not blaming federal agents for sparking the protests, the media is blaming police officers for the violence during which protestors who tear down public property also launch attacks featuring mortar-style fireworks and lasers that can cause permanent blindness

“Portland police and feds are ‘responding to largely peaceful protests with violence,'” headlined a piece by government-funded PBS.

“Federal Agents Push Into Portland Streets, Stretching Limits of Their Authority,” read another in The New York Times.

“Federal agents use tear gas to clear rowdy Portland protest,” observed ABC. Indeed, things have gotten very rowdy.

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, however, has gone one step further, claiming violence in the city to be nothing more than marely a “myth.”