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Hemp Production

Hemp Testing Enforcement Discretion

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service is delaying until December 31, 2025, the enforcement of a requirement that all hemp must be tested by a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)-registered laboratory. Information about this delay in enforcement is available on the Information for Hemp Testing Laboratories webpage.

The 2018 Farm Bill (pdf) directed USDA to establish a national regulatory framework for hemp production in the United States.  

USDA published a final rule on January 19, 2021, that provides  regulations for the production of hemp in the United States and is effective on March 22, 2021. The final rule builds on the interim final rule published October 31, 2019, that established the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program. The final rule incorporates modifications based on public comments and lessons learned during the 2020 growing season.

Visit the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program’s New Public HeMP (Hemp eManagement Platform) Search Tool. The search tool allows users access to basic information on licensed hemp producers across the country.

Please use the sidebar menu to the left to locate information specific to your area of interest.

The National Hemp Report, along with other Market News reports and data, is available on the AMS Specialty Crops Market News web page.  View the Hemp Program Fact Sheet (pdf)

If you find you need additional information, please contact us at or (888) 721-HEMP(4367).