We want to encourage everyone to be safe and have fun. With that in mind, we've created this page as a
SUMMARY of our hunting laws intended solely for informational use and is applicable March - June, 2024. The exact wording of Kentucky's spring turkey hunting laws are provided in
301 KAR 2:142.
You can always review our Spring Hunting Guide, contact your
Local F&W Law Enforcement Officer, or call our Info Center (1-800-858-1549) to help with unanswered questions.
Hunting Method Exemptions
The department grants exemptions to hunters with certain physical disabilities to hunt with a crossbow during archery-only seasons, or to use a stationary vehicle as a hunting platform. However, persons with qualifying physical disabilities must first have an exemption form completed and signed by a licensed physician certifying why the exemption is necessary.
Forms are available online or by calling the department.
Go to the Hunting Method Exemptions page for more information. A completed exemption form serves as the hunter’s exemption permit. It should not be returned to the department. Persons who obtain an exemption are still required to have the appropriate hunting license and permits, and must carry the signed exemption form with their hunting license and permits while in the field.
Concealed Carry Deadly Weapons Permits
Anyone who may legally possess firearms may carry firearms while hunting, but any firearms carried concealed must be done so pursuant to
KRS 527.020.
Convicted Felons
A person convicted of a felony is prohibited from possessing or hunting with a firearm in Kentucky. The prohibition on handguns applies to those convicted after Jan. 1, 1975. The prohibition on other firearms applies to those convicted after July 15, 1994. See
KRS 527.040 for more details, or contact your County Attorney.
Recording, Checking, and Tagging
All successful turkey hunters must follow the steps for recording, checking and tagging their harvest. See the
Recording, Checking, Tagging and Transporting page for all info.
View the County Code Numbers for Telecheck here.
Landowner Permission
A person shall not enter upon the lands of another to shoot, hunt, trap, fish or for other wildlife-related recreational purposes without the verbal or written permission of the landowner, tenant, or person who has authority to grant permission. Those who fail to obtain permission are subject to arrest and prosecution. Railroad tracks and rights of way are privately-owned property and permission to hunt, trap or fish must be obtained prior to entry. Landowners are under no obligation to allow hunters to retrieve game or hunting dogs from their property.