To apply for the second round of funding for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program (Round 2), or to receive additional information on the Round 2 process, please visit the Universal Service Administrative Company's (USAC's) COVID-19 Telehealth Program webpage. 

The COVID-19 Telehealth Program provides $200 million in funding, appropriated by Congress as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, to help health care providers provide connected care services to patients at their homes or mobile locations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

On December 27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2021, provided the Commission additional funding for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program. 



Final List of COVID-19 Telehealth Program Round 2 Awardees:  PDF | Excel (June 30, 2022)

Final List of COVID-19 Telehealth Program Round 1 Awardees: PDF | Excel (July 8, 2020)

Copies of all applications filed for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program can be found in ECFS, Docket No. WC 20-89

Orders, Public Notices, and Other Releases on the COVID-19 Telehealth Program


Final List of COVID-19 Telehealth Program Round 2 Awardees:  PDF | Excel (June 30, 2022)

Final List of COVID-19 Telehealth Program Round 1 Awardees: PDF | Excel (July 8, 2020)

Copies of all applications filed for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program can be found in ECFS, Docket No. WC 20-89

Orders, Public Notices, and Other Releases on the COVID-19 Telehealth Program

Round 2 FAQs


  1. How do I access or login to the Invoice Processing Platform (IPP)?

Request for Reimbursement forms and invoices must be submitted via the IPP, a system operated by the U.S. Department of Treasury.  Each awardee should have received two emails from the IPP ( The first email contains your IPP User ID.  The second contains your temporary password. These allow users to log into IPP for the first time.

  1. I haven’t received an e-mail from IPP regarding steps to enroll in the platform. What should I do?

If you do not receive the emails from the IPP with your User ID and temporary password (as mentioned in the answer to the question above), please check your email spam folder or check with your organization’s IT administrator to see if the emails may have been blocked by system settings. If you still are unable to locate the email, or if you have other questions about the IPP site, please contact the IPP Customer Support Helpdesk via email or by phone: (866) 973-3131. Telephone support for the IPP is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm ET.

  1. If I did not submit the Round 2 COVID-19 Telehealth Program application on behalf of my organization, will I receive the emails to enroll in IPP?

Each applicant listed a contact person on their application form.  This person received the initial Funding Commitment Letter (FCL) from the FCC, as well as the IPP enrollment emails. In situations where your organization was previously enrolled in IPP, the FCC will have notified by email the name of your organization's IPP Administrator if the person is not the same person who submitted the COVID-19 Telehealth Program application. The Identified Administrator is the designated person in your organization who can access the IPP and submit invoices. If you would prefer that a different person or persons have the responsibility for submitting the funding recipient’s COVID-19 Telehealth Program invoices, your IPP Administrator can set up IPP access for this person(s). If the Identified Administrator is no longer in the position that required them to be the IPP Administrator but is still with your organization, they should add new IPP Administrators (at least two are recommended). The IPP Help Desk can assist with the transfer of the IPP Administrator role to another person.

Telephone support for the IPP is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm ET.  Any questions regarding IPP enrollment, may be directed to the IPP Customer Support Helpdesk via email or by phone: (866) 973-3131.

  1. Our record shows as “on hold” (often indicated with a capital H) - what should we do?

This indicates your account is not properly registered or has become inactive in the federal System for Award Management (SAM), sometimes due to SAM record expiration.  To resolve this, log into and verify that your account is active or reactivate, as necessary.  After finishing in, please send an email notification to so that the Commission can update its payment systems.


  1. When does a Letter of Authorization need to be filed?

Applicants that received a funding commitment on behalf of other eligible HCP sites must have a Letter of Authorization (see Sample Letter of Authorization) on file in order to receive reimbursement for those sites.  The Letter of Authorization is required from each HCP site that will receive devices or services as part of your funding commitment.  The Letter of Authorization should be uploaded with the first monthly invoice submission to the IPP.  The Letter of Authorization only needs to be uploaded once; thereafter, the FCC will have it on file for use in reviewing future reimbursement requests.  We strongly encourage you to use the FCC’s Sample Letter of Authorization.  If not, your Letter of Authorization, at a minimum, must contain the required authorizations provided in the FCC’s sample Letter of Authorization for each eligible HCP site that will receive devices or services as part of your funding award.

  1. Where do I find the Request for Reimbursement Form and the Letter of Authorization?

Links to the Round 2 Request For Reimbursement Form, instructions for completing the Round 2 Request For Reimbursement Form, and a sample Letter of Authorization can be found here.

  1. Which location should be listed as the service or delivery location for eligible services and connected devices provided to patients, or used by our health care professionals to provide telehealth services outside of the HCPs’ brick and mortar location?

The eligible HCP site for which the eligible connected devices or services were purchased must be listed as the service or delivery location.  You must not list individual patient addresses or non-brick and mortar sites where telehealth services are being provided as the service or delivery location.

  1. What services and connected devices are eligible for COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding?

COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding will provide eligible health care providers support to purchase telecommunications, information services, and connected devices necessary to provide telehealth services to patients in response to the coronavirus pandemic.  Devices for which funding is requested must be integral to patient care.

The COVID-19 Telehealth Program will only fund devices (e.g., pulse oximetry, blood pressure monitoring devices, etc.) that are themselves connected, and will not fund unconnected devices that patients can use at home and then manually report the results to their medical professional.  Connected devices may include devices with Bluetooth or WiFi connectivity, including devices that connect to a consumer’s phone, for example.

Examples of eligible services and connected devices that COVID-19 Telehealth Program applicants may seek funding for include:

Telecommunications Services and Broadband Connectivity Services: Voice services, for health care providers or their patients.

Information Services: Internet connectivity services for health care providers or their patients; remote patient monitoring platforms and services; patient reported outcome platforms; store and forward services, such as asynchronous transfer of patient images and data for interpretation by a physician; platforms and services to provide synchronous video consultation.

Connected Devices/Equipment: Tablets, smart phones, or connected devices to receive connected care services at home (e.g., broadband-enabled blood pressure monitors; pulse oximetry monitors) for patient or health care provider use; or telemedicine kiosks/carts for health care provider sites.

  1. What are examples of items that are ineligible for support through the COVID-19 Telehealth Program?

Services or devices purchased or implemented prior to March 13, 2020. 

Administrative costs: e.g., personnel expenses, consultant fees, payroll, training, customer service, project management, records management, and doctor’s costs, etc.

Technical support, maintenance costs, warranties, and protection plans.

Separate costs for non-connected accessories: e.g., cases, mouse pads, cable clips, laptop bags, tablet stands, and charging stations, etc.

Smart watches and fitness trackers.

Back-up Power Equipment: e.g., back-up batteries, redundant power cords, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), and surge protectors, etc.

Non-connected medical devices or supplies: non-connected digital thermometers, testing strips, lancets, disposable covers, and personal protective equipment, etc.

Construction costs: e.g., fiber/ethernet/cable network constructions, facility alterations, and temporary site location structures, etc.

Non-telehealth items: e.g., office furniture and supplies, security systems, and incidental expenses, etc.

  1. Do we need FCC approval to alter the budget proposed in our original application?

No.  There is no requirement, nor a process, for reviewing or approving budget revisions.  The critical requirement is that COVID-19 Telehealth Program funds be used to purchase eligible devices or services.

  1. Will you fund the building of websites or the development of new platforms for providing connected care services?

No.  Only eligible connected care services and devices may be funded by the COVID-19 Telehealth Program; the Program is not intended to fund development of new websites, systems, or platforms.

  1. Are retroactive costs eligible for funding?

Eligible health care providers may apply to receive funding support through the COVID-19 Telehealth Program for eligible services and devices purchased on or after March 13, 2020.  Existing services that were not purchased in response to COVID-19 are ineligible for funding.  However, if existing services were upgraded to respond to COVID-19, the costs of the upgrade may be considered for funding.

  1. What is the funding period for recurring services?

For recurring services, funding recipients seeking reimbursement for eligible recurring services may apply their funding commitment towards twelve months of eligible recurring services as long as those services are implemented on or after March 13, 2020.  Existing services that were not purchased to respond to the coronavirus disease are not eligible for funding.

  1. Can I submit a request for reimbursement for items that I have paid for but have not yet received due to vendor delivery backlogs?

You cannot submit a request for reimbursement for services and/or connected devices that have not yet been received. Upon receipt of services and/or connected devices by the eligible HCP(s), please submit your request for reimbursement and supporting documentation.

  1. If an invoice from the service provider or vendor includes ineligible items, what do I need to do when submitting the invoice submission?

Be sure to clearly indicate in your invoice submission the items on the invoice that are eligible (e.g., by crossing out the ineligible items on the invoice). On the Request for Reimbursement Form, use the column “Description of Service/Device(s) Purchased” and indicate where on the invoice the reviewer can find the relevant information for that line item.  Tip: Pay close attention to the Description column, as better explanations will speed along the approval process.

  1. We are experiencing difficulty adding a signature to the Request for Reimbursement (RFR) spreadsheet.  What is an acceptable signature?

A step-by-step guide for inserting a signature onto the Excel form is posted online.  The Commission will accept any legible signature on the spreadsheet, including, for example, a signature in an image file that has been pasted onto the RFR spreadsheet.  If necessary, the signature can be added to a duplicate of the RFR itself, as might occur, for instance, by signing with Docusign or signing by hand.

IF A PDF COPY IS USED TO TRANSMIT THE SIGNATURE, special requirements apply:

  • The pdf version must be an exact copy of the RFR in Excel AND
  • All certification boxes on the RFR must be ticked AND
  • The RFR in Excel format must be submitted as well.


  1. Are there any specific procurement requirements?

Given the current pandemic and its impact on health care providers, the COVID-19 Telehealth Program does not have any competitive bidding requirements.  However, we strongly encourage applicants to purchase cost-effective eligible services and devices to the extent practicable during this time. 

  1. Will FCC staff make vendor recommendations or put vendors into contact with eligible health care providers who apply for funding?

No.  Eligible health care providers select the specific eligible services and devices and the vendors for those services and devices. 


  1. How do I know if the invoice submission was received?

You can use IPP’s self-service and drill-down capabilities to check the status of an invoice. If the status for an invoice reads “Pending Approval,” the invoice has been received and is under review.

  1. Can I make updates or corrections to an invoice submission once submitted?

Once an invoice is submitted, you cannot make updates or corrections to the invoice submission. However, if the status of your submitted invoice is “Pending Submission,” “In Exception,” or “Draft,” you can void the invoice and submit a new invoice with the updates or corrections. Otherwise, the invoice submission will first need to be rejected by the FCC in order to allow any updates or corrections. You will need to contact the FCC at to make this request.

  1. If the invoice submission was rejected, what do I need to do?

This depends on the reason for the rejection, which will be provided in the messaging that accompanies your invoice submission rejection.

After correcting the reason for the rejection, please resubmit your invoice submission with the missing information. You will not have to re-enter all the information you previously entered, just the missing information and/or any corrections to your previous submission.

If your invoice is rejected and you do not receive a clear and understandable message of explanation, please contact Please provide the Applicant Name and Funding Commitment Number in the subject line of the email and, in the text of the email, reference the invoice at issue.

  1. Which entity issues the payment, and where is the payment sent?

The U.S. Department of the Treasury will issue the payments. The payments will be sent by Automated Clearing House (ACH) to the bank account on file associated with the funding recipient. Your banking information was previously provided when you registered with the federal System for Award Management (SAM).


  1. What is the Round 2 deadline for purchases and implementing services?  How do we demonstrate compliance?

The deadline for purchases and implementing services is October 31, 2022. (An extension to February 28, 2023, has been announced for all awardees in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina and Puerto Rico. These waivers of rules are related to Hurricanes Fiona and Ian. This does not affect any other deadlines.) To comply with the purchase/implementation of services deadline, awardees must have entered into a purchase agreement by this date.  Awardees do not need to have received the device by the deadline.  Additionally, if the eligible service is a recurring monthly cost, then only the first month’s payment must have been made by October 31, 2022, and payments for that service may continue past October 31, 2022.  Note that there is no requirement to submit purchase/implementation documentation, unless requested by FCC staff.  Rather, related records are to be retained for six years past the last date of delivery of services or connected devices and may be requested as part of any follow-up audit.  (For more information about records retention and audits, see paras. 79-80 in the Second COVID-19 Report and Order).

  1. What is the deadline for completing invoicing for Round 2?

All invoices must be submitted with accompanying Request for Reimbursement forms by October 31, 2023.  Invoice documentation must identify the eligible services or connected devices that were purchased and received and must show the price paid.  Services, platforms, subscriptions, or access charges with a one-year term are deemed received when the payment is made.  Funding recipients are not required to wait until the end of the term to seek reimbursement.  The same approach holds for recurring services or charges that can be purchased on a monthly basis -- they are deemed received at any time during the monthly term.

  1. What other deadlines should we be aware of?

The Second COVID-19 Report and Order (see para. 60) and the May 2022 Public Notice explain the requirements for post-Program reporting.  Awardees should submit their post-Program reports by January 31, 2024, or three months after the invoicing deadline.  A reporting template is appended to the Public Notice.  An Excel version is posted at:  Completed reports should be filed in WC Docket No. 20-89 in the Commission's electronic comment filing system, available at

Note that while some Program deadlines have been extended, the post-Program reporting deadline remains unchanged. 


  1. What are the COVID-19 Telehealth Program record-keeping requirements?

Guidance about audits and recordkeeping requirements is provided in paragraphs 79-80 of the Second COVID-19 Report and Order.  COVID-19 Telehealth Program participants are required to maintain documents sufficient to demonstrate compliance with Program rules for six years after the last date of delivery of services or connected devices.  This includes, at a minimum, applications, contracts, communications related to COVID-19 Telehealth Program services, invoices, delivery records, and purchase and receipt records.

  1. For health care providers subject to a single audit, what is the CFDA number?

The CFDA number for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program is 32.006.



  1. Why do Round 2 Funding Commitment Letters include an attachment labeled "Appendix A to Part 170," regarding subawards and executive compensation?

This is required by amendments to the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA), (codified at 31 U.S.C. § 6101 note), which became effective in November 2020.  Note that reporting executive compensation is the only requirement for Telehealth awardees – reporting of subawards is NOT required.

  1. In what situations does the executive compensation requirement apply? 

Your organization is exempt if gross income, from all sources, was under $300,000 in the previous tax year.  Your organization is exempt if your Telehealth award is less than $30,000. 

All others should review the four criteria that trigger reporting requirements – See i, ii(A), ii(B), and iii under I.b.1 in Appendix A to Part 170.



Appendix A to Part 170 - Award Term

I.b - Reporting total compensation of recipient executives for non-Federal entities.

1. Applicability and what to report. You must report total compensation for each of your five most highly compensated executives for the preceding completed fiscal year, if -

i. The total Federal funding authorized to date under this Federal award equals or exceeds $30,000 as defined in 2 CFR 170.320;

ii. in the preceding fiscal year, you received -

(A) 80 percent or more of your annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards),


(B) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards);


iii. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (To determine if the public has access to the compensation information, see the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at


  1. How do I report executive compensation?

Executive compensation must be reported in your registration profile at  Reports are due by the end of the month following your award (for example, a January 2022 award would require reporting by Feb. 28, 2022).  Reporting should be updated annually.



Where can I find additional information?

We encourage participants to consult the following links for additional information.  In addition, assistance is available through

  • Request for Reimbursement Form (xls) and instructions (pdf)

  • Public Notice of August 2021, with information about the invoicing process, as well as eligible costs 

  • Second COVID-19 Report and Order, adopted in March 2021, which created the rules for Round 2 of Telehealth

  • New announcement on key Program deadlines


Round 2 Invoices and Reimbursements

How to Invoice the FCC for Consolidated Appropriations Act funding under Round 2 of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program:

Upon receipt of services and/or connected devices and subsequent payment by the health care provider(s) of the costs of the eligible services and/or connected devices to the service provider or vendor, an applicant that received a funding commitment notification must, on at least a monthly basis, complete the following steps in order to receive a reimbursement:

  1. Invoice the FCC for services and/or connected devices eligible for COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding by going to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service Invoice Processing Platform (IPP), and
  2. Upload the following documents as “Attachments” to their invoice submission in the IPP:

(a) an invoice from its service provider or vendor showing, at a minimum, receipt of the service and/or connected devices identifying the eligible services and/or connected devices purchased and received, and price paid (Note: a purchase order, vendor quote, or other similar documentation does not demonstrate payment for the services and/or connected devices);

(b) a completed Round 2 Request for Reimbursement Form (the form and instructions for completing it can be found here

(c) if applicable, a Letter of Authorization (see sample) for those applicants that received a funding commitment on behalf of other eligible health care provider sites. A Letter of Authorization must be received from each health care provider that will receive Program funding; and

(d) any additional documentation supporting reimbursement for the eligible cost of the services and/or connected devices.


  • The deadline for purchases and implementing services is October 31, 2022.  (As a result of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian, this deadline is extended to Feb. 28, 2023, for awardees in FL, SC, NC, and Puerto Rico.) 
  • All invoices must be submitted with accompanying Request for Reimbursement forms by October 31, 2023
  • Awardees should submit their post-Program reports by January 31, 2024, or three months after the invoicing deadline. 


More Information:

Round 1 FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the COVID-19 Telehealth Program Application Process and Invoicing Process can be found at the links below:

Round 1 Invoices & Reimbursements

How to Invoice the FCC for CARES Act funding under the COVID-19 Telehealth Program:

Upon receipt of services and/or connected devices and subsequent payment by the health care provider(s) of the costs of the eligible services and/or connected devices to the service provider or vendor, an applicant that received a funding commitment notification must, on at least a monthly basis, complete the following steps in order to receive a reimbursement:

  1. Invoice the FCC for services and/or connected devices eligible for COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding by going to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service Invoice Processing Platform (IPP), and
  2. Upload the following documents as “Attachments” to their invoice submission in the IPP:

(a) an invoice from its service provider or vendor showing, at a minimum, receipt of the service and/or connected devices identifying the eligible services and/or connected devices purchased and received, and price paid (Note: a purchase order, vendor quote, or other similar documentation does not demonstrate payment for the services and/or connected devices);

(b) a completed Request for Reimbursement Form

(c) if applicable, a Letter of Authorization (see sample) for those applicants that received a funding commitment on behalf of other eligible health care provider sites; and

(d) any additional documentation supporting reimbursement for the eligible cost of the services and/or connected devices

More Information:


How to Submit Post-Program Reports to the FCC for CARES Act Funding Received under the COVID-19 Telehealth Program:

As part of the Report and Order, the Commission stated that funding recipients should provide a report to the Commission on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding no later than six months after the conclusion of the COVID-19 Telehealth Program.  Funding recipients should submit their post-program reports by January 31, 2022—six months after the invoicing deadline for the initial round of funding under the COVID-19 Telehealth Program.   Please feel free to submit your post-program report as soon as possible after receiving your final reimbursement.  These reports will provide the Commission with important feedback on whether and how the COVID-19 Telehealth Program funding impacted health outcomes, patient treatment, health care facility administration, and any other relevant aspects of a funding recipient's response to COVID-19.   Please click on COVID-19 Telehealth Program Post-Program Report Template and download this template to use when preparing your post-program report.  Once completed, funding recipients should file their completed post-program report template in WC Docket No. 20-89 in the Commission’s electronic comment filing system, available at

OMB Control Number 3060-1271



On June 25, 2020, the FCC’s COVID-19 Telehealth Program stopped accepting new applications.

Applicants who applied before June 25, 2020 can still access the portal at COVID-19 Telehealth Program Application Portal.

Application Resources:

In conjunction with completing an application, applicants must:

  1. Create an FCC Registration Number (FRN) and username and password in the Commission Registration System (CORES). An FRN is a 10-digit number that is assigned to a business or individual registering with the FCC and is used to identify the registrant’s business dealings with the FCC. Learn more about CORES.

  2. Obtain an eligibility determination from the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) by filing FCC Form 460 through My Portal on USAC's webpage. (Filers do not need to be rural health care providers in order to file Form 460 for this program.) For additional Form 460 support contact USAC, by telephone at (800)453-1546 or email at

  3. Register with the federal System for Award Management (SAM). SAM registration support can be found here.

Online Application Tips:

  1. Save the form often by clicking "Save Draft" at the bottom of the page to preserve your work.  We recommend that you fully complete each section and then save before moving to a new section.
  2. For questions that require a more detailed narrative response, we recommend that you put your response in a separate document and upload that document as an attachment to your application (by clicking the paperclip icon in the upper right corner).  Please reference your attachment by writing, “See attachment [indicate the name of the applicant and attachment filename]” in the relevant section on the form.

The COVID-19 Telehealth Program is limited to nonprofit and public eligible health care providers that fall within the categories of health care providers in section 254(h)(7)(B) of the 1996 Act.  For more information, see Question 12 of the Frequently Asked Questions.



Thursday, April 13, 2023