Gulf of Mexico (GOM) Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force Meetings

Background and Purpose

BOEM held its fifth Gulf of Mexico Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting on April 18, 2024. Established in 2021, the Task Force is a partnership between federal, state, and local agencies and Tribal governments tasked with coordinating renewable energy planning activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. It serves as a forum to discuss stakeholder issues, exchange data and information about ocean use and resources, and facilitate collaboration opportunities.

The purpose of the meeting was to update task force members on offshore wind energy planning activities and to discuss next steps in the BOEM leasing process, including the recently announced proposal for the second offshore wind lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, the meeting aimed to:

  • Facilitate coordination and consultation among federal, state, local, and tribal governments regarding offshore wind energy and the renewable energy leasing process on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico.    
  • Update the Task Force members and stakeholders on recent state activities.
  • Provide an overview and seek in-depth feedback on the Proposed Sale Notice and related auction format.
  • Provide forum for discussion and information to ensure BOEM is informed about TF members' interests.
  • Provide opportunities for public input about the topics being considered by the Task Force.  

Meeting Materials


Background and Purpose

BOEM held its fourth Gulf of Mexico Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting on April 11, 2023. Established in 2021, the Task Force is a partnership between federal, state, and local agencies and Tribal governments tasked with coordinating renewable energy planning activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. It serves as a forum to discuss stakeholder issues, exchange data and information about ocean use and resources, and facilitate collaboration opportunities.

The purpose of the meeting was to present information on the Proposed Sale Notice (PSN); additionally, this meeting aimed to:

  • Facilitate coordination and consultation among federal, state, local, and tribal governments regarding offshore wind energy and the renewable energy leasing process on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico.    
  • Update the Task Force members and stakeholders on recent state activities.
  • Provide an overview and seek in-depth feedback on the Proposed Sale Notice and related auction format.
  • Provide forum for discussion and information to ensure BOEM is informed about TF members' interests.
  • Provide opportunities for public input about the topics being considered by the Task Force.

Commenting closed on April 25, 2023.  Comments can be viewed at and searching for docket number BOEM-2023-0021.

Meeting Materials


Background and Purpose

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) held its third Gulf of Mexico Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting on July 27, 2022. The Task Force is a partnership between federal, state, and local agencies and Tribal governments tasked with coordinating renewable energy planning activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. It serves as a forum to discuss stakeholder issues, exchanges data, and information about ocean use and resources, and facilitate collaboration opportunities.

The purpose of the meeting was to present the potential areas identified in federal waters offshore the Gulf of Mexico that may be suitable for offshore renewable energy development. The Task Force will provides critical information to the decision-making process. Specifically, this meeting will aim to:

  • Facilitate coordination and consultation among federal, state, local, and tribal governments regarding offshore wind energy and the renewable energy leasing process on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico.  
  • Update the Task Force and stakeholders on recent state activities.
  • Provide an overview of and seek in-depth feedback on the proposed Wind Energy Areas (WEA).
  • Provide an overview and feedback on the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) to consider the potential impacts from issuance of offshore wind energy leases within 30-million-acres just west of the Mississippi River to the Texas/Mexican border
  • Provide forum for discussion and information to ensure BOEM is informed about TF members' interests
  • Provide opportunities for public input about the topics being considered by the Task Force.

Meeting Materials


TopicPresentation Title | Presenter | Resources
Welcome & Opening Remarks
  • Tribal Acknowledgement
  • Amanda Lefton, BOEM Director
  • Mike Celata, Regional Director, BOEM Gulf of Mexico Region | Video

Task Force Meeting Overview

  • Webinar instructions & guidance
  • Task Force introductions
  • Agenda review
  • Eric Poncelet, Facilitator, Kearns & West

Discuss Draft GOM Renewable Energy Environmental Assessment (EA)

  • Overview of Draft GOM Renewable Energy EA
  • Task Force comments and discussion

Discuss Draft GOM Renewable Energy Wind Energy Areas (WEAs)

  • Overview of Draft GOM WEAs
  • Task Force comments and discussion

Task Force Member Updates (70 min)

  • Overview of State Renewable Energy Goals (LA, TX)
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Other Task Force member updates, clarifying questions, and discussion
Next Steps and Closing Remarks
  • Tershara Matthews, BOEM
  • Mike Celata, BOEM | Video

Public Input Opportunity and Discussion

  • Opportunity for public input on topics under Task Force discussion | Video


Background and Purpose

BOEM held its second virtual Gulf of Mexico Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting on February 2, 2022. Established last year, the Task Force is a partnership between federal, state, and local agencies and Tribal governments tasked with coordinating renewable energy planning activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. It serves as a forum to discuss stakeholder issues, exchanges data, and information about ocean use and resources, and facilitate collaboration opportunities.

The purpose of the meeting was to present the potential areas identified in federal waters offshore the Gulf of Mexico that may be suitable for offshore renewable energy development, and this Task Force provides critical information to the decision-making process.

Meeting Materials


TopicPresentation Title | Presenter | Resources

Welcome & Opening Remarks

Task Force Meeting Overview


Mike Celata, Regional Director, BOEM Gulf of Mexico Region

Tribal Invocation

BOEM Task Force Meeting February 2022 Segment 1

Update on Outer Continental Shelf Wind Energy Leasing in the Gulf of Mexico – Call for Information and Wind Energy Areas

  • Summary of comments received on Call for Information
  • Opportunity for Task Force clarifying questions

BOEM Renewable Energy Overview & Leasing Process Review – Tershara Matthews, BOEM  | PDF

Environmental Review Process – Michelle Nannen, BOEM PDF

Marine Spatial Analyses to Inform Wind Energy Siting in the Gulf of Mexico – James Morris, NOAA PDF

BOEM Task Force Meeting February 2022 Segment 2

Report Out from Breakout Sessions and Task Force DiscussionAll Task Force Members | BOEM Task Force Meeting February 2022 Segment 3

Public Input Opportunity and Discussion

Overview of Action Items and Closing Remarks


Opportunity for public input on topics under Task Force discussion

Mike Celata, Regional Director, BOEM Gulf of Mexico Office

BOEM Task Force Meeting February 2022 Segment 4

Background and Purpose

BOEM held its first GOM Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting on June 15, 2021.  This task force is chartered to facilitate coordination and consultation related to renewable energy planning activities on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the Gulf of Mexico. The purpose of this task force meeting was to:

  • Facilitate coordination among federal, state, local, and tribal governments regarding the wind energy leasing process on the Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Share information about existing Gulf of Mexico activities and marine conditions.
  • Provide updates on regional offshore wind goals and developer activities.

GOM Request for Information (RFI) Materials

Meeting Materials


TopicPresentation Title | Presenter | Resources
Webinar Instructions & GuidanceEric Poncelet, Facilitator, Kearns & West (K&W)
Welcome & Opening RemarksTribal InvocationAmanda Lefton, Director, BOEM ; John Bel Edwards, Governor of Louisiana ; Mike Celata, Regional Director, BOEM Gulf of Mexico Region | Video
Task Force Member Introductions Task Force Member Introductions & Agenda Review | All Task Force Members | Eric Poncelet, Facilitator, K&WVideo
Background Information & Task Force Orientation

BOEM Offshore Renewable Energy Program (OREP) Overview | Jim Bennett, BOEM | PDF, Video

Task Forces and Charter: Roles and Responsibilities Idrissa Boube, BOEM PDF, Video

Leasing Process Review | David MacDuffee, BOEM OREP PDF, Video

Background Information and Task Force Orientation - Clarifying Questions | Video

Updates – Overview of State Renewable Energy Goals

State of Louisiana | Harry Vorhoff | PDF, Video

State of Alabama | Chris Blankenship | Video

Panel – Offshore Wind Jurisdictional Authorities: Who is Who and What Do They Do?

United States Coast Guard  | George Detweiler | PDF, Video

NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service | Noah Silverman & David Dale | PDF, Video

NOAA National Ocean Service CZMA | David Kaiser PDF, Video

BSEE | Cheri Hunter | PDF, Video

Panel – Gulf of Mexico Data Information Resources and Ocean Users

Offshore Wind Jurisdictional Authorities Panel - Q&A | Video

National Renewable Energy Laboratory | Walt Musial PDF, Video

Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC-NOAA)  John Walter PDF, Video

BOEM Marine Cadastre and Ocean Reports | Christine Taylor PDF, Video

Gulf of Mexico Data Information Resources and Ocean Users Panel - Q&A | Video

USFWS Migratory Birds Randy Wilson PDF, Video

BOEM Wind Resource Analysis | Angel McCoy PDF, Video

BOEM Transmission   Josh Gange PDF, Video

Process Next StepsTershara Matthews, Chief, Emerging Programs, BOEM Video
Facilitated Task Force DiscussionAll Task Force Members Eric Poncelet, Facilitator, K&W Video
Overview of Action Items, Closing RemarksMike Celata, Regional Director, BOEM Gulf of Mexico Office Video
Public Input OpportunityEric Poncelet, Facilitator, K&W Video