Bone mass measurements

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)
covers this test once every 24 months (or more often if medically necessary) if you meet one or more of these conditions:

  • You’re a woman whose doctor determines you’re estrogen-deficient and at risk for osteoporosis, based on your medical history and other findings.
  • Your X-rays show possible osteoporosis, osteopenia, or vertebral fractures.
  • You’re taking prednisone or steroid-type drugs or are planning to begin this treatment.
  • You’ve been diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism.
  • You’re being monitored to see if your osteoporosis drug therapy is working.

Your costs in Original Medicare

You pay nothing for this test if the doctor or other health care provider accepts


Frequency of services

Your doctor or other health care provider may recommend you get services more often than Medicare covers. Or, they may recommend services that Medicare doesn’t cover. If this happens, you may have to pay some or all of the costs. Ask questions so you understand why your doctor is recommending certain services and if, or how much, Medicare will pay for them.

What it is

This test helps to find out if you're at risk for broken bones.

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