Electronic Visit Verification (EVV): Resources and FAQs

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has created several materials for members, IRIS participants and workers, providers, and program payers to keep up to date on EVV. Please access, download, or share the below resources.

Resources and FAQs

Title of resourceTypeDescriptionAudienceAvailable languages
FAQsWebpageFrequently asked questions about EVVProviders, Payers, Workers, Members, ParticipantsEnglish
Public forumsWebpageInformation about upcoming and past EVV forumsProviders, Payers, Workers, Members, ParticipantsEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
New to EVV?, P-03078Fact sheetGuide for providers preparing to use an EVV systemProvidersEnglish, Hmong, Russian, Spanish
Worker Visit Card template, P-02844AHelp sheetA printable card that can be filled in with the EVV information workers need to remember when they check in and out of visits.WorkersEnglish (regular font), English (large font), Hmong, Spanish
Important Numbers for EVV in Wisconsin P-03573Fact sheetHow locate the numbers to fill in the Worker Visit Card. (see row above)Providers, WorkersEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
Three Ways to Collect EVV Information, P-03627Fact sheetInformation about the three devices that workers can use to check in and out of visits using the Sandata EVV system.Providers, Payers, Workers, Members, ParticipantsEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
Electronic Visit Verification Exceptions, P-03646Fact sheetInformation about what exceptions are, how to fix them in the Sandata EVV portal, and how to prevent them.EVV AdministratorsEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
Fixing Unknown Client Exceptions in the Sandata EVV Portal, P-03645Fact sheetInformation about one of the most common exceptions: Unknown Client. Includes how to prevent and fix them.EVV AdministratorsEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
Sandata EVV Portal Dashboard and Reports for Administrators, P-03690 (PDF)Fact Sheet

Learn how to:

  • Customize the Sandata EVV portal dashboard (the first screen after logging in). 
  • Use the reports available in the Sandata EVV portal.
EVV AdministratorsEnglish
EVV Lifecycle, P-03124 (PDF)Fact sheetA snapshot of how EVV visit records fit into the general claims process.Providers, EVV AdministratorsEnglish
Billing and Claims Information When EVV is Required, P-03662Fact sheetWhat to do when a claim does not pass one of the edits or if a claim is denied due to EVV. Who to reach out to for EVV claim denials and general claims questions.Providers, EVV AdministratorsEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
EVV and Live-in Workers, P-03593 (PDF)Fact sheetEverything you need to know about EVV and live-in workers.Providers, Workers, ParticipantsEnglish
EVV Live-in Worker Identification and Instructions, F-02717FormEVV live-in worker identification form and instructions on how to complete the form.Providers, Workers, ParticipantsEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
EVV Member flyer, P-02730Fact sheetA one-page handout that explains what EVV is.Providers, Payers, Workers, Members, ParticipantsEnglish, Hmong, Somali, Spanish

EVV ForwardHealth Updates

Title of resourceTypeAvailable languages
ForwardHealth Update 2024-24, "Electronic Visit Verification Hard Launch for Home Health Care Services and Nurse Supervisory Visit Service Code 99509" (PDF)FowardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2023-45, "Changes to the Sandata EVV System" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2023-41, "Nurse Supervisory Service Code 99509 Will Require Use of an Electronic Visit Verification System" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2023-40, "Home Health Care Services Electronic Visit Verification Soft Launch Announcement" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
Forward Health Update 2023-12, "New Electronic Visit Verification Policy and Reminders for Hard Launch" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2022-48, “Personal Care Services Electronic Visit Verification Hard Launch Announcement” (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2022-38, "Documenting Record of Care and Time With Electronic Visit Verification" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
EVV Policy Decisions, P-02614Information sheetEnglish, Hmong, Spanish
ForwardHealth Update 2021-40, "Electronic Visit Verification Soft Launch Has Been Extended" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2021-26, "Electronic Visit Verification Hard Launch Preparation" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2021-23, "Electronic Visit Verification Policy and Hard Launch Timeline" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2021-05, "Electronic Visit Verification Prior Authorization Procedure for Live-In Workers" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish
ForwardHealth Update 2020-31, "Implementation of Electronic Visit Verification for Personal Care and Supportive Home Care Services" (PDF)ForwardHealth UpdateEnglish

If you need printed materials in a language not listed, please email us at dhsevv@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

Last revised January 30, 2025