Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators (Train the Trainer)


The virtual Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators (Train the Trainer) course will provide transit agency instructional staff with the support necessary to deliver the Assault Awareness and Prevention course within their agencies. Each registered participant will receive an electronic instructor package that will include an instructor guide, course slides, instructor notes, and the participant workbook.

Train-the-Trainer course participants review the direct delivery course curriculum and discuss strategies to utilize NTI course materials and activities to deliver in-house training. When delivered to staff at your agency, the goal of Assault Awareness and Prevention for Transit Operators is to provide transit bus operators the knowledge and skills needed to reduce the likelihood of assault incidents during revenue service. Prevention methods covered include: defining assault, discussing the types of incidents that could be considered assault, and recognizing key vulnerability factors. Prevention strategies focus on communication and response skills, and the value of reporting incidents. The training also includes information on the importance of seeking assistance to recover from assault incidents.


Duration: 3.5 hours
Contact: Amy Gornik
Audience: Transit operators, road supervisors, transit police, supervisors and labor representatives.