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Notes from the Chair
Vaccination Edition
Clean Elections MN Chair George Beck

In case you missed it...

Not sure if you have heard this, but it bears repeating: Mask up, social distance, wash your hands, and get those vaccinations.  We are going to beat the virus this year and get back to normal! And we just may get some important democracy reform, to boot.
News from Capitol Hill
(Good News "For the People"... Maybe)

HR 1, the For the People Act, has been reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. It has been joined by a companion bill in the U.S. Senate, S 1. The numbers on these bills tell the story of the importance attached to the reforms proposed. The bills address voting rights and campaign finance reform. These are changes that are necessary to allow other progressive legislation to succeed. The changes in the bills are comprehensive and have long been needed. With the change in the composition of the Senate there is reason for optimism. 

Passage would go a long way towards halting the trend towards control of Congress by wealthy interests and the trend towards authoritarianism. Although Democrats have the majority in both houses of Congress, the Senate filibuster rule, which requires a 60% vote for passage on some matters, would be a high hurdle. It’s bad enough that the Senate is undemocratic, with two seats allotted to each state no matter what the population. But to add a 60% requirement ensures that progressive legislation supported by most Americans will not be possible. We need to tell our Senators to vote to end the rule and adopt HR 1 and S 1.
It’s bad enough that the Senate is undemocratic, with two seats allotted to each state no matter what the population. But to add a 60% requirement ensures that progressive legislation supported by most Americans will not be possible.

Here's what this historic campaign finance legislation includes: A new small-donor, public matching-funds system that would match donations up to $200 per donor at a 6-to-1 ratio. Given the present U.S. Supreme Court prohibition on campaign contribution limits (a 5-4 vote, don’t forget), public financing to counter huge contributions by the wealthy is our best bet to put the rest of us back in control of our government. Be sure to let our Senators and Congress members this legislation is essential to our democracy. Even those officeholders that support this bill need to hear from us. An email or call is easy and could have a profound effect on restoring our democracy.

Meanwhile back in Minnesota
Election reform proposals--some good ones
House File (HF)  9
A collection of necessary reforms

Author: Emma Greenman

A small dollar match idea similar to the one proposed in the HR 1 is also provided in a pending Minnesota bill, HF 9. Authored by Rep. Emma Greenman,  HF 9 has passed out of three House committees. This bill contains a good deal of democracy reform needed in our state, including ending dark money, instituting automatic voter registration, restoring the right to vote to released felons, mailing absentee ballots to voters, expanding early voting, and establishing principles for redistricting. Unfortunately, it would have to go to the graveyard of election reform, Senator Kiffmeyer’s Senate committee, so we are likely looking at 2023. For my testimony on HF 9, click here.

Unfortunately, HF 9 would have to go to the graveyard of election reform, Senator  Kiffmeyer’s committee, so we are likely looking at 2023.
And some changes we really don't need.
On the Senate side, they are once again pushing voter suppression in the form of Voter ID and provisional balloting, with no evidence of fraud produced to support this attempt at narrowing the electorate. It has passed out of three committees. When one political party decides that it cannot win elections except by undermining democracy itself, we are in crisis mode. Here's what I told the senators about the idea.
And there are other good bills to follow besides HF 9.
It is early in the session, so there is still time to hear important election bills. Here are some other House bill worth following:
  • HF 89: Rep. Elkins ranked choice voting bill
  • HF 192: Rep. Freiberg’s National Popular Vote bill that would allow the President to be elected by a popular vote
  • HF 606: Rep. Bahner’s contribution disclosure bill
And here's some Senate bills to keep an eye on:
  • SF 218: Senator Eken is carrying the ranked choice voting bill
  • SF 85: Senator Rest's National Popular Vote bill
  • SF 18: Senator Rest's resolution to Congress to reverse Citizens United.
Senator John Marty is a long-time champion of election reform and has offered four important bills:
  • SF 646, to increase public disclosure by public officials
  • SF 647, prohibiting legislators from working as lobbyists for 7 years after leaving office (there is no restriction at present)
  • SF 648, requiring disclosure of lobbyist contributions to legislators
  • SF 649, a resolution to ask Congress to reverse Citizens United.
Senator Marty is one legislator who is not afraid to expose abuses in our election system despite the consequences.
Election Fraud?
Secretary Simon v. Senator Kiffmeyer

You may have seen some of the reporting on the conflict between Secretary of State Steve Simon and Senator Mary Kiffmeyer, Chair of the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections committee. The Senator called Simon before her committee a couple of times at the start of the session to question him about nonexistent “irregularities” in our November election, including the use of Dominion voting machines. They again clashed at Kiffmeyer’s voter suppression bill hearing on January 27.

The right wing believes that the Dominion equipment threw the election to President Biden. Kiffmeyer needs to be careful here since Dominion has begun to sue politicians, such as Rudy Giuliani, who have made these false allegations. Despite the fact that our fall election was well-run and free of fraud, Senator Kiffmeyer fell in line with right wingers nationally who have suggested that the election was rigged and full of fraud. Kiffmeyer is a member of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a right wing, corporate supported group that supplies legislation to the states to support policies like voter suppression. Needlessly attacking our elections is harmful to our democracy and is another way to discourage voting. As the Secretary of State noted, it is “foolish and irresponsible.” If the election is rigged, why vote?

Needlessly attacking our elections is harmful to democracy and another way to discourage voting.

If the election is rigged, why vote?

Clean Elections MN continues to provide a robust program of education on election and money in politics issues under the guidance of Connie Lewis and Ken Peterson. Coming up on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7 p.m. is a discussion about “What’s in Store for Democracy in Minnesota?” Senator Jim Carlson and Representative Emma Greenman will participate and Clean Elections Board Member Todd Otis will moderate. The program is co-sponsored by Common Cause Minnesota and RepresentUs MN. On Tuesday, April 13, 2021 we will sponsor a Zoom presentation by David Litt, a former speechwriter for President Obama and the author of Democracy in One Book or Less. Litt's book about how politicians hijacked our democracy has been described as a humorous and optimistic page turner on the political process. This will be fun. If you have a suggestion for speakers, please let Connie and Ken know ( Program details at

Coming up on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 7 p.m. is a discussion about “What’s in Store for Democracy in Minnesota?”

Free and open to everyone.
Click to register.

I am speaking from the heart when I ask you to find some small way to take part in democracy reform. We are no longer regarded as a top-rate democracy in the world. The goals of special interests now dominate over the desires of ordinary citizens. We all want to preserve democracy for our children and grandchildren. But democracy is not self-executing. It requires our efforts to maintain it as against more selfish interests. Many of the issues that we support, like controlling climate change, adequate health care for all, or gun control will not advance as long as they are opposed by mega-contributions from corporations or the wealthy that oppose progress. We need to take back control of our government. Take a look at our website,, to see what we are doing and how to get involved. Or email me to ask how you can help -


We will lose our power only if we allow it to be taken.
Copyright © 2021 Clean Elections Minnesota, All rights reserved.

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