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* 1. Please enter your contact information below.

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* 2. To subscribe to Rep. Frazier's email list, please enter your email address below.

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* 3. The state currently forecasts a $1.6 billion budget projected positive balance. Which of the following do you most strongly support as we prioritize investments in Minnesota?

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* 4. The pandemic has made clear that workers need to be able to take paid time off to care for loved ones or themselves when they’re sick. This is important not just for families’ economic security, but also to protect public health. Do you support or oppose a state-administered paid family and medical leave insurance program so everyone can access paid family and medical leave? Note that employers and employees would pay a small increment from each paycheck to fund the paid time off.

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* 5. COVID has impacted all of our lives, but it hasn’t hit everyone equally. How have you or your family been impacted by COVID-19? (Check all that apply)

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* 6. What do you consider to be our state’s best assets?

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* 7. Which of the following do you think will most positively impact the future of our state?

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* 8. Climate change is one of the most significant threats to Minnesota’s future economic growth and vitality. Notably, its impact is felt disproportionately on low-income communities. We must be part of the solution. Do you support Minnesota taking action on climate change, including requiring utilities to generate 100% of our electricity from clean and renewable resources by 2040?

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* 9. The killing of George Floyd sparked a nationwide conversation about policing and the need to advance racial justice and equity. Democrats and Republicans in the Minnesota Legislature worked with community members and law enforcement organizations and took action last summer to increase police accountability and improve public safety for all. We need to expand the lens of racial justice beyond public safety. Which of the following measures do you support to continue this work? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. Do you or your family face any of the following obstacles to affordable health care?

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* 11. Over the past two decades, state funding for public education has not kept up with inflation, resulting in long-term and substantial, historic under-investment in our schools. Our educational rankings compared to other states have dropped dramatically. We could respond by enhancing state-level funding to ensure that all children in Minnesota have access to the same high-quality level of education, regardless of their zip code. Alternatively, we could push the burden of funding our schools to local communities through property taxes and levies. Which approach do you support?

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* 12. Do you support the legalization, regulation, and taxation of adult-use cannabis?

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* 13. What is the rationale for your support or lack of support on adult-use cannabis?

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* 14. What are the most important issues that need to be addressed related to the legalization of adult-use cannabis? (Only check up to 3 boxes)

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* 15. I want to hear your personal stories about what issues are important to you and how they impact your life. What do you want to see in the legislature? Why?