Arbor Day is a holiday during which individuals and groups are encouraged to plant trees. The holiday originated in Nebraska in 1872 but is now celebrated nationally and in many other countries. Wisconsin’s Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April and is usually linked with Earth Day.
In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin DNR helps celebrate Arbor Day with an environmental education program designed to teach students the importance of trees within our environment. Annually, we provide thousands of free tree seedlings to Wisconsin fourth-grade students for this celebration.
How to order
Orders will be accepted until March 15. You can place an order online or with a paper form. Fax completed paper forms to 715-421-7830 or mail them to the Griffith State Nursery, 473 Griffith Avenue, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494.
You will receive a confirmation email that your order was received and processed. If you haven't received a confirmation email after ten days, email Carey Skerven.
Ordering instructions
Please order for current Wisconsin fourth-grade students only. Teachers should communicate with each other before ordering, but ultimately one fourth-grade teacher should order for all fourth-grade classes in their school. If you are ordering for more than one school, please complete a separate application for each.
If you are a parent of a fourth-grade student who is learning virtually but normally resides in a classroom, please work with your child's teacher. The school must place the order for the class.