The CQC has developed a suite of clinical searches which are now routinely used when carrying out inspections of GP practices. They were designed to focus on areas of clinical importance, reflecting the profession’s agreed shared view of quality and to contribute to a consistent regulatory approach. The majority of the searches focus on safe prescribing, monitoring of higher risk drugs, management of long term conditions and identification of potential missed diagnoses. They identify cohorts of patients who may require further attention.

In order to be open and transparent about the regulatory processes, CQC is working with Ardens who have created, reviewed and made the searches available on EMIS Web and SystmOne for GP practices. Cegedim Healthcare have made the searches available for Vision GP practices. The searches and business rules are available free of charge for all GP practices.

The CQC searches have been specifically designed to identify potential significant risk and often have a degree of tolerance built into them, for example in relation to the intervals for monitoring medicines. They are not intended to be used (nor should they be) as a substitute for a practice’s own governance systems and processes for managing patient care, which should be designed to meet a gold standard in accordance with national guidance. For further information, please see GP Mythbuster 12: Accessing medical records during inspections.

Version 2 of the CQC clinical searches are now available. This new version includes the original standard risk-based searches found in Version 1, as well as additional standard risk-based searches in the medicines requiring monitoring, medication review and medicines usage categories.

There is also now an additional folder containing enhanced searches based on national recommended monitoring intervals covering the Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs), long term conditions and medicines requiring monitoring categories. These enhanced searches will be run, but not routinely reviewed during inspections. They are being introduced in response to feedback from providers and to encourage quality improvement. They will allow practices to demonstrate they are providing care in line with national guidance.

The business rules

The business rules and code sets for these searches are hosted on Ardens Manager and more information can be found in CQC Mythbuster 12. Please note that not all codes are available on the underlying clinical systems, so these may vary.

The searches

SystmOne searches

To join the open organisation group & access the searches on SystmOne:
1. Go to Setup > Users & Policies > Organisation Groups
2. Untick top left box ‘Only show groups this organisation has joined’
3. Go to Wiltshire > CQC Inspection Searches
4. Right click > Join Group then turn SystmOne off and back on again
5. Go to Reporting > Clinical Reporting > CQC Inspection Searches

Watch video

Please note: Your organisation can only be a member of 25 groups. If you have exceeded this number, you will need to leave another first. For further information, please see this support article.

The CQC and Ardens acknowledge the support provided by TPP during the initial conceptual discussions and for advice during the development and distribution of the searches.

EMIS Web searches

To download the searches from the portal and import to EMIS Web:
1. Go to www.ardens.live/portal
2. Select “CQC Inspection Searches” followed by the download link
3. Save the folder of searches to your desktop
4. Go to EMIS > Population Reporting
5. Create a new folder called “CQC” and import the downloaded file here

View support article
Watch video

Please note: First-time users will need to create a free account. Please do not share the downloaded searches with other GP practices as the Ardens Portal records which version of the searches you have downloaded for your GP practice so that we can contact you (if needed) when updates are released.

The CQC and Ardens acknowledge the support provided by EMIS during the initial conceptual discussions and for advice during the development of the searches.

Vision searches

For information on how to access the searches on Vision

Watch video

The CQC and Ardens acknowledge the support provided by Cegedim Healthcare during for the building of the searches.

Frequently asked questions

What are these searches for?
Who will have access to these searches?
How will the search results be used in my inspection and who will be able to see this?
Why is CQC working with Ardens?
Are the searches available to GP practices who do not use Ardens?
Why was Ardens chosen?
Is Ardens involved in deciding what is included in the suite of CQC searches?
What is the intended benefit for GP Practices?
What do I do if I have any questions, feedback or think there is a problem with any of the searches?
Why do you need to register on the portal to access the EMIS Web CQC Searches?

Clinical frequently asked questions

What are the DMARD and High Risk Drug Monitoring expectations regarding checking and recording monitoring?
What about cohort denominators?
Potential Missed Diagnosis of Diabetes – why does the search identify patients who had raised HbA1c readings in the past?
What is the purpose of the ‘Medication Review’ searches?