What happens after I submit my entity validation documentation?

After submitting your documents in SAM.gov, we will review your documentation. Once reviewed, we will contact you by email from fsdsupport@gsa.gov
We will provide instructions on one of three (3) actions you must take: 

Our review result Where to go What to do
We accept your documentation SAM.gov You MUST go back to SAM.gov and complete additional steps. Your entity is NOT validated until you have gone back to SAM.gov, restarted the validation process, and selected your correct name and address from the list a final time. See My entity information has been updated. What happens next? (KB0058397)
We have questions about your documentation FSD.gov > My Incidents Review the ticket and provide your answers within 5 business days. See How do I ask or respond to a question on my entity validation ticket? (KB0061458)
We need additional documentation First go to SAM.gov to submit additional documentation. Then go to FSD.gov > My Incidents

Review the ticket and go to SAM.gov to attach requested documentation within 5 business days. See How do I add documentation to my entity validation incident after it has been created in SAM.gov? (KB0057690)

Be sure to return to your FSD.gov ticket to let the agent know you provided your documentation. See How do I ask or respond to a question on my entity validation ticket? (KB0061458) 

The only way to communicate with the customer service agent handling your ticket is through your ticket; do not call or chat. 
When you are instructed to go back into SAM.gov to validate your information again, it is critical that you follow the instructions found at KB0058397. Regardless of your situation, you must go through these steps: 
  1. Enter your legal business name and physical address again on SAM.gov. 
  2. On the "Review Entity Information" page, you should find an exact match in the Legal Entities List for your entity's name and physical address. 
  3. Select "I recognize my entity," select the entity in the list, and select "Next."
  4. Proceed with the rest of the process. 

What Not to Do

  • Don't keep making tickets for the same entity. You make a ticket by trying to validate and submitting documentation. If you've done that once for your entity, don't do it again. You should only create a new ticket if your old one was closed and your validation issue was not resolved (KB0061459)
  • Don't open a ticket directly at FSD.gov about entity validation. 
  • Don't call or use the chat at FSD.gov for entity validation issues. The agents cannot help with validation issues over the phone or chat. The specialists who handle entity validations are on a different team that can only communicate with you through your FSD ticket.