King County District 2 Constituent Survey
Thank you for taking our District 2 survey! This survey is for residents of King County's District 2, which includes neighborhoods from the University District on the northern end, all the way south through Capitol Hill, the Central District, South Seattle, Allentown, and Skyway.

As a reminder, King County government has different levels of authority and jurisdiction than your City Government. For a refresher on what County government is and is not able to do, check out my King County 101 video here:

Your priorities for your regional government are important to us and we want to hear them. Please note that responses to this King County survey are held in public record and may be included in future public disclosure requests by the general public.
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Name *
Zip Code *
Email Address *
Please select what you feel should be King County's 3 top priorities. For any priorities beyond your top 3, please include those in the very last question of this survey. *
Did you know Councilmember Girmay Zahilay was your King County Councilmember prior to this email update? *
How regularly would you like to receive email updates from my office with helpful information, events, and resources? *
What is most helpful to include in email updates to you?
In addition to 911, do you support having other un-armed responder options where social workers, mental health providers, or similarly trained professionals could be dispatched to provide aid?
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What's something you truly value about your community here in District 2 or King County that you would like to maintain?
What's something you would like to see created or changed in District 2 or King County?
Is there anything else you would like to tell Councilmember Girmay Zahilay?
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