Dare County Suicide Stories
The Breaking Through Task Force has partnered with The Saving Lives Task Force,  Be Resilient OBX and Dare County to promote suicide awareness and education. We will be sharing stories of local individuals who have been impacted by suicide during September of 2022 (via social media posts and a documentary). The documentary will be aired during a special town hall event. The documentary may also be available on YouTube, social media, local TV, and websites.  If you elect to participate, you do not have to be on camera, we can share your story anonymously and/or through social media postings.
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I identify as: *
Please share your story: *
Do you have a message of hope that you want to share to: loved ones of those who are dealing with loss due to suicide or those who are thinking of suicide?
Have you ever supported someone who survived a suicide attempt? Can you share how you helped?
If you have considered suicide, what helped you get through the crisis?
If you have ever been suicidal, what do you wish someone had done or said to support you?
I would be interested and willing to participate in the documentary/social media campaign via (Please note: we may only share images and names of deceased individuals with permission of next of kin.):
You may contact me about the information I have provided on this form: *
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