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ReInvent Schools

Education-ReInvent Schools

ReInvent Schools Las Vegas was launched by the city of Las Vegas in collaboration with the Clark County School District. The program utilizes the National Community Schools model in which public schools partner with families and community organizations to provide educational opportunities and supports for students’ school success. ReInvent Schools is committed to providing academic enrichment, expanded and extended learning opportunities, integrated student supports and family and community engagement.  

The program currently serves 16 underserved elementary schools in the city. Selected schools had a two-star or lower rating, a 75 percent or higher free and reduced lunch rating and are located in the city of Las Vegas jurisdiction.  

The program utilizes AmeriCorps members who assist with programming, including literacy tutoring, reduction of chronic absenteeism, and nutrition mentorship. View the ReInvent Schools overview document.

The 16 ReInvent elementary schools include: 

  • Kermit R. Booker, 2277 N. Martin L King Blvd.
  • Arturo Cambeiro, 2851 East Harris Ave.*
  • Ollie Detwiler, 1960 Ferrell St.*
  • Doris Hancock, on the campus of FYFE Elementary School at 4101 W. Bonanza Road for the 2024-25 school year.
  • Howard Hollingsworth, 1776 East Ogden Ave.
  • Matt Kelly, 1900 N. J St.
  • Robert Lunt, 2701 E. Harris Ave.
  • J.T. McWilliams, 1315 Hiawatha Road*
  • Vail Pittman, 6333 Fargo Ave.*
  • Red Rock, 408 Upland Blvd.*
  • Doris Reed, 2501 Winwood St.
  • C.C. Ronnow, 1100 Lena St.
  • Ruth Fyfe, 4101 W Bonanza Road*
  • Howard Wasden, 2831 Palomino Lane
  • Rose Warren, 6451 Brandywine Way*
  • Wendell Williams, 1030 J St.

* indicates this location has a ReInvent After-School Program

ReInvent After-School Program

The free ReInvent After-School Program is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, and offers students a broad array of support services and activities before and after school. The program is designed to reinforce and complement in-school curriculum through providing activities that promote student success.

Registration will open for the 2024-2025 school year Tuesday, July 23, at 9 a.m. Registration is online only, and new families may create an account and register by accessing the New Registration Portal below. Families who already have an account (accounts created for Safekey/RAP may be used to enroll in this program) may log in to their online account and register by accessing the Connect Portal below. Families should click on the registration tab in their online account and must select the specific school that their child will be attending.

Registration Portal (for New Customers)

Connect Portal (for returning customers and attendance calendar scheduling)

Please remember to update your child's grade!

Medication Permission Form

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