September 13 – 15, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The US Water Alliance’s One Water Summit gathers the most diverse group of water leaders in the country for a completely unique and urgent conversation about the future of water through engaging plenaries and workshops, dynamic learning labs and site-visits, and plenty of networking time between individuals, organizations, and delegations.
One Water Summit 2022 featured:
- Over 800 participants from 263 US cities
- 20 Commitments to Action from 41 nationwide delegations
- A celebration of the eight US Water Prize winners at the picturesque lakefront site of Discovery World, and an address from the Outstanding Public Official prize winner, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers
- 32 Workshops, Institutes, and Site Visits—led by a diverse array of One Water champions
- A fireside chat between Mitch Landrieu, White House Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator, and Mami Hara, US Water Alliance CEO
- Recognition of the importance of One Water from United States Vice President Kamala Harris
Access the One Water Summit 2022 Program here.