EMS Flex Grant Recipients

The EMS Flex Grant has been awarded to 442 Wisconsin licensed emergency medical services (EMS) throughout the state to help deliver prehospital emergency services.

Originally, Governor Tony Evers directed the Department of Health Services to use $12 million in American Rescue Plan Act – State and Local Funds, to give Wisconsin EMS providers funding to relieve financial effects of COVID-19 on services.

Due to the overwhelming responses from over 400 applicants submitting requests totaling $63 million, the Governor has added an additional $20 million to allow more funding assistance to be provided to service agencies—bringing the total amount awarded to licensed Wisconsin EMS services to $32 million.

Award information

  • The Flex Grant awards prioritized fully funding the grant requests from services categorized as Emergency Medical Responder (EMR’s).
  • All other EMS service types were awarded at 44.5% of their requested amounts. 
  • Non-EMR Services operating within U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) identified census tract areas also received a Health Equity bonus of $11,000. 
  • Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) agencies, which are not eligible for EMS Funding Assistance Program (FAP) awards, were prioritized and fully funded to the amount of their request.
  • All other requests made by FAP-eligible EMS services were funded at 44.5% of their request.
  • Qualifying non-EMR Services that operate within the Qualified Census Track received the Health Equity bonus of $11,000.
  • Reporting requirements are outlined in the Notice of Award (NOA).
  • Eligible Request Categories included:
    • Supplies up to $10,000
    • Equipment up to $30,000
    • Emergency Response Vehicle up to: $50,000 or Ambulance up to $200,000
    • Training up to: $15,000
    • Staffing up to: $50,000

Below is the list of Flex Grant money recipients. Recipients are listed by the county they serve and the dollar amount awarded.

Last revised October 10, 2023