The commonly seen suffixes for KB and MB do not always mean the same thing on different computers.
KB can mean 1000 bytes or 1024 bytes and MB can mean 1000 KB or 1024 KB depending on the computer you are using.
On one computer, 1 MB might mean 1,000,000 bytes, and on another computer 1 MB might mean 1,048,576 bytes (1024x1024).
Because of this difference, a file on one computer that reports being 1 MB can be a different size than a file that shows 1 MB on another computer.
We display sizes in MiB for the following reasons:
- 1 MiB is always the same number of bytes (1,048,576)
- A 1 MB file will always fit inside a 1 MiB limit no matter which MB meaning your computer is using.