What We Do
- Improve agricultural production and the economic security of rural communities
- Ensure the American food supply is safe and nutritious
- Advance economic development and job creation
- Protect the environment by reducing agricultural inputs and wastes
- Promote interest in STEM in Central Illinois and beyond
- Unlocking Hemp Seeds' Nutritional Benefits
- A Greener Tire
- Pitting Good Versus Bad Fungi on Sweet Corn: A Delicate Dance
- USDA Launches ARS Culture Collection with genomic data
- NCAUR Scientists in the Local News
- Formidable Yeasts Stop Bacterial Bullying in Ethanol Plants
- Project Shifts the Focus of Agribusiness
- No More Crying over Spilled Milk
- From Toxin to Tonic
- Growing Together
- Microbial Allies May Help Turn Tables on Tar Spot Fungus in Corn
- Turning Discards into a Winning Hand
- Scientists Spice up Their Mosquito Weaponry with Mustard
- ARS Looks to Find New Routes for Green Fuels and Chemicals
- Green Jet Fuel Takes Off
- A Purrr-fect Use for Soy Waste?
- Corn: Food, Fuel, and Now... Fiber Too?
- Dr. George Fanta is inducted into the ARS Science Hall of Fame
- Dr. Badal Saha received the Charles D. Scott Award at the 45th Symposium on Biomaterials, Fuels, and Chemicals
- Farmers wanted to help stop mycotoxin outbreaks
- Making Butter-like Spreads Healthier
- Researchers Uncover 33 New Species of Toxic Fungi
- Hidden in Plain Sight
- ARS Scientists Team Up to Fight Flies
- Researchers Enlist Sturdy Yeast to Help Make Cost-Effective Ethanol
- Dr. Mark Berhow received the Lifetime Achievement Award from Phytochemical Society of North America
- Dr. Jill Moser is a 2022 AOCS Award Winner
- New School, Meet Old School
- Dr. Terry Isbell is inducted into the ARS Science Hall of Fame
- NCAUR Pennycress Researchers win the 2022 ARS Technology Transfer Award
- Ag Lab providing tons of fresh produce for local food pantries since 2010
- Scientists are creating homegrown biofuels in the Peoria Ag Lab
- How do You Make Yogurt Even Healthier? Add Chickpea Flour
- Pleasant-Smelling Wood Oil Not So Pleasant for Biting Ticks
- Sorghum: A Sweet Proposition for Sustainable Biofuel
- Peoria "Ag-Lab": Where Innovation and Outreach go Hand-in-Hand
- The Enduring Mystery of Moldy Mary
- Making Air Travel More Sustainable with Soy-Fuel Innovations
- Scientist of Many Talents Champions Planet Friendly Products
- Penicillium Strain Named State Microbe of Illinois
- Repurposing Ag-Waste to Create Bioplastics
- Microbe Turns Bread Waste Into Useful Compound
- Dr. Atanu Biswas is a recipient of the 2020-2022 Fulbright US Scholar Fellowship Award
- Diesel Fuel Gets a Boost from Tung Oil
- USDA Agency and Company Partner to Explore Personal Care Products from Hemp
- Guardians of the Microbial Galaxy
- Science in Your Shopping Cart, Episode 3: Biomass
- Biobased Kitty Litter is the Cat's Meow
- With Alternative Grains, Customers Can Have Their Cake and Eat It Too
- Fungus Commits Floral Fraud to Fool Insects into Spreading It
- Compound from Soil Bacterium Gets a Reboot as Antibiotics Super Booster
- Plants Give Rise to Biodegradable Base Oils-With Helping Hand from Science
- Friendly Fungus Protects Against Wheat Scab
- Mustard Family Member Seen as Biofuel Source
- Peoria Ag Lab Scientists Cooking up Biodegradable Plastic
- Turning Plant Resources into Plastics Makes Peoria Researcher a Fullbright Scholar
- Microbe With Taste for Stale Bread Finds It's Calling
- Building A Better, Biobased Cat Litter
- Researchers Put Cornstarch to Use Fighting Pests
- Dr. Fred Eller is named AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society) Fellow for 2020
- Biological "Green" Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides
- Cedar's Hidden Potential
- NCAUR Scientists will participate in the 2019 Career Spark
- NCAUR Scientists participate in 2019 Science Rocks
- NCAUR Scientists Cook Up New Uses for Ancient Grains
- Innovative Cornstarch Makes Products Sustainable and 'Green'
- Giving Tortilla Chips a Vitamin E Boost
- Bacteria Turn Table Sugar into More
- How Research at the Peoria Ag Lab has Impacted Decades of Innovations
- 6 Common Products Developed at the Peoria Ag Lab
- Cuphea Oil Chemical Repels Pests
- NCAUR hosts the 60th Annual Corn Dry Milling Conference
- Dr. Atanu Biswas received the Chemist of the Year award for the Heartland chapter of the American Chemical Society
- Dr. Mila Hojilla-Envangelista is named AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society) Fellow for 2019
- Dr. Kerry O'Donnell is inducted into the ARS Science Hall of Fame
- USDA-ARS Partners to Produce Low Glycemic Sweetner
- ARS Culture Collection, A Valuable Resource
- Coconut Oil Compounds Repel Insects Better than DEET
- Dr. Steven Vaughn participated in the Solutions for Sediment episode of the Illinois River Documentary on WTVP
- Dr. Mila Hojilla-Evangelista received the 2018 Distinguished Alumna Award for Research and Development (Food Technology) from the University of the Philippines at Los Baños- College of Agriculture and Food Science, College, Laguna, Philippines
- A Bacterial Reboot for Penicillin
- NCAUR Scientists participate in Career Spark
- 4 NCAUR Scientists are interviewed on WTVP
- Employing Wheat's Bacterial Partners to Fight a Pathogen
- Public-Private Partnership is a Win-Win
- Alternative Tools for Mosquito Control
- Outreach to Future Scientists and Engineers
- NCAUR hosts the 2018 Corn Dry Milling Conference
- Earth Day 2018 "End Plastic Pollution"
- Dr. Michael Appell received the Chemist of the Year award for the Heartland chapter of the American Chemical Society
- Revitalizing Rural America Through Transformative Agricultural Reserach
- Soil Bacterium Tapped for Penicillin Guard Duty
- Leaving on a BioJet Plane
- USDA_ARS Safeguards Valuable Scientific Resources
- USDA-ARS Breakthrough “Super Slurper” Launched Absorbents Industry
- USDA_ARS Researchers are Controlling Mosquitoes Naturally
- NCAUR a History of Innovation
- Penicillin was Pioneered in Peoria at USDA-ARS Research Lab
- Work Of USDA Food Research Pioneer Continues in Peoria
- Better Paper, Plastics with Starch
- Vegetable Oils Remove Heavy Metals from Water
- Making Cookies with Ancient Grains and Seeds
- Dr. Cletus Kurtzman is inducted into the ARS Science Hall of Fame
- Wild Grape: A Domestic Source of Gum Arabic
- Ag Utilization Centers Celebrate 75 Years of Innovation
- Formulating Fungal Biopesticides
- Closing in on Butanol for Biofuel
- Transparent Coating for Glass and Plastics, May Have a Bright Future