Marshall Fire and Straight Line Winds Response
In the aftermath of the fires in Boulder County, people need information about insurance - how to contact their company/agent, how to file claims, how the processes will work. The Division of Insurance is here to answer people's insurance questions and help to get them on the road to recovery.
Division of Insurance Consumer Services Team: 303-894-7490 / 800-930-3745 /
Federal and State Assistance Overview
You can sign up to receive Division notifications specific to the Marshall Fire only by clicking the following button and selecting the "Division of Insurance Marshall Fire" list:
Stakeholder Meeting June 27, 2024 HB24-1315 - Smoke, Soot, and Ash Study
* * * Announcements and Updates * * *
- Division of Insurance Asks Insurers to Extend ALE Coverage Beyond 12 Months for Marshall Fire Survivors
- United Policyholders Marshall Fire 6-Month Insurance & Recovery Survey - Questions about this survey should be directed to United Policyholders:
- Division of Insurance Releases Initial Estimates of Underinsurance for Homes in the Marshall Fire
- Division of Insurance asks insurance companies to help fire survivors on key issues
- Coordinated Debris Removal Program Online Meeting on March 29 - from Boulder County 3/24/22
- Colorado State Legislators Host Boulder Delegation Marshall Fire Town Hall on January 9, 2022 - Meeting Recording
Key Resources
State Resources and Programs
- Disaster Resilience Rebuilding Program - a grant and loan program from the Colorado Dept. of Local Affairs providing funding to qualifying homeowners for rebuilding homes. Website includes program details, eligibility requirements, FAQs and a form that can be submitted with additional questions.
- Recovery Navigators - A free service, offered through the Navigating Disaster for Boulder County program, will offer long and short-term support to help residents navigate the recovery and rebuilding process. Navigators will be assigned to individuals and families and work one-on-one to provide a broad array of support.
- Rebuilding Better - website
- Marshall Fire Debris Removal Program - website
Forms & Information Sheets
Boulder County Information:
- Right of Entry forms available for properties damaged/destroyed by the Marshall Fire
- Boulder County Marshall Fire Resources and Information - English
- Boulder County Marshall Fire Resources and Information - En Español
- Boulder County Safe Cleanup after a Fire
- After the Disaster Guidebook for Boulder County - Colorado State University Extension
Colorado Department of Public Safety:
- Marshall Fire Information
- Marshall Fire and Straight Line Winds - Colorado Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Federal Resources
FEMA Information:
Additional Information:
- Home and Personal Property Loans - U.S. Small Business Administration
- Residents Impacted by Marshall Fire and High Winds Urged to Apply for Financial Help and Emergency Food Assistance
- Fact Sheet - FEMA Individual Assistance Program - U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- Navigating Homeowners Insurance - includes information about home inventories, from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
Frequently Asked Questions and Policyholder Guidance
The Division is also releasing a series of Frequently Asked Questions regarding insurance and insurance companies, as they related to the Marshall Fire and Straight Line Winds response. These FAQs and guidance have been developed based on questions the Division received during Insurance Town Halls on January 4 and January 19, 2022, as well as questions Division staff received at the Disaster Assistance Center. This section will updated as new topics are released.
- Division of Insurance asks insurance companies to help fire survivors on key issues - 3/14/22 (see full list of companies' responses)
- Policyholder Guidance - HOAs & Homeowners' Insurance - 2/9/22
- Town Hall FAQs - Rental Property Information - 1/24/22
- Town Hall FAQs - Underinsurance - Updated 1/11/22
- Town Hall FAQs - Additional Living Expenses - Updated 1/8/22
Division of Insurance Meetings & Town Halls
Information about upcoming Town Hall or other meetings will be posted on this website, and will also be listed on the Division's Newsroom & Announcements page. You can sign up to receive notifications of upcoming Town Halls by signing up on the Division's Sign-Up for Division of Insurance Email Lists webpage and selecting the "Division of Insurance Marshall Fire" list.
The Division reviewed the initial underinsurance analysis released on April 26, 2022. Three building companies rebuilding in Boulder County also presented, as did a representative from the U.S. Small Business Administration to discuss SBA loans. Materials from this meeting, including recordings of the meeting in English and in Spanish, are available below.
The Division held a second Insurance Town Hall on January 19, 2022, which focused on partial losses for homes that were not destroyed, but that still may have suffered external and internal damage to the building as well as personal property, including damage from smoke, soot and ash. Materials from this meeting, including a recording, are available at the following links.
The Division held the first Insurance Town Hall on January 4, 2022, to provide information and answer questions regarding insurance and insurance companies, related to the Boulder County fires. Materials from this meeting, including a recording, are available at the following links:
Additional Consumer Information
Marshall Fire-Related Information:
- Boulder County Partners with Boulder Area Rental Housing Association to Share Housing Resources After Marshall Fire
- Hydro-mulch work to begin this week on properties destroyed by the Marshall Fire; ROE deadline extended to Feb. 14, 2022
Insurance-Related Information:
- FAQs - Additional Living Expenses (ALE) - Updated 1/8/22
- Insurance Information & Tips for Consumers
- Homeowners/Auto Insurance Company Claims Filing Telephone Numbers
- Information on Prescription Refills
Filing a Claim:
Consumer Advisories and Fraud Alerts:
- Fraudulent charities
- What does a public adjuster do and do I need one?
- Identity theft
- Price gouging
- Contractor fraud
The Colorado Division of Insurance continues to develop policies, information and resources for insurance consumers and the insurance industry in response to the Boulder County fires.
Regulations and Bulletins
2022 Actions
- Emergency Regulation 22-E-15 Concerning Law and Ordinance Coverage Relating to the Marshall Fire - effective 8/22/22
- Emergency Regulation 22-E-09 Concerning Tolling Certain Time Limits of Policyholder Benefits in the Event of a Catastrophic Disaster - effective 5/6/22
- Bulletin B-5.44 - Concerning the Communication of Certain Coverage Limits by Homeowners' Insurance Companies to Policyholders that Experienced a Loss Resulting from the Boulder County Fires - effective 2/8/22
- Emergency Regulation 22-E-01 - Concerning Tolling Certain Time Limits of Policyholder Benefits in the Event of a Catastrophic Disaster - effective 1/7/22
- Bulletin B-5.43 - Policyholder Benefits in Immediate Aftermath of Boulder Fires - effective 1/3/22
2022 Actions