U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 03/04/2022 02:28 PM EST04 MAR 22
ALAUX 008/22
1. The Chief Director of the Auxiliary signed several CG-BSX Policy Letters effecting Auxiliary Aviation. Below is a list and brief description of the signed Policy Letters.
2. BSX Policy Letter 22-02, AUXILIARY AVIATION CALL SIGNS UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to update the Call Sign policies listed in Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series), Annex 1, section F.
3. BSX Policy Letter 22-03, AUXILIARY AVIATION AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to update the Auxiliary Facility Maintenance Policy in the Update to Auxiliary Aviation Facility Maintenance Policy, (Jan 2015)
4. BSX Policy Letter 22-04, AUXILIARY AVIATION AIRCRAFT FACILITY INSPECTION AND RETURN TO SERVICE UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to update the Aircraft Facility Annual Inspection policies in Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series), Annex 2, section D and to specify a Return to Service policy after a Major Repair and Alteration.
5. BSX Policy Letter 22-05, AUXILIARY AVIATION AIRCRAFT VHF-FM ANTENNA UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to update the Communication Equipment policies listed in Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series), Annex 1, section C.
6. BSX Policy Letter 22-06, AUXILIARY AVIATION FUEL MANAGEMENT AND FLIGHT PLANNING UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to update the Fuel Reserve and Flight Planning policies listed in Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series), Annex 1, sections F and H.
7. BSX Policy Letter 22-07, AUXILIARY AVIATION OPERATIONS AT UNCONTROLLED AIRFIELDS UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to update the policies in Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series), Annex 1, sections G and H.
8. BSX Policy Letter 22-08, AUXILIARY AVIATION PRECAUTIONARY LANDING AND CLEARANCE FOR FURTHER FLIGHT UPDATE. The purpose of this policy letter is to specify a Precautionary Landing policy in Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series), Annex 1, section H.
9. All District Directors of Auxiliary (DIRAUX), Operations Training Officers (OTO), and Auxiliarists must comply with the provisions in these Policy Letter.
10. The policy letters can be found on the Coast Guard Chief Director of Auxiliary (CG-BSX) website at: CG-BSX Policy Letters.
11. Internet release is authorized.
If you have a question regarding this ALAUX, please seek resolution within your Chain of Leadership and Management (COLM) including up to your servicing District Director of Auxiliary (DIRAUX). If your question still cannot be resolved after that, then please email