For the first application submitted during a CUA season, the applicant will pay a $350 application fee and $100 management fee for a total of $450 per year. For any additional services that same applicant will pay a $250 application fee and a $100 management fee for a total of $350 per year for each subsequent application submitted during the same CUA season. These standard application and management fees will be reviewed every two years and may be adjusted to ensure the NPS is collecting the full cost of receiving,processing, and managing the application, as required by federal law.
Cape Hatteras National Seashore permits businesses to conduct commercial activities in Wright Brothers National Memorial through Commercial Use Authorizations (CUAs). The Seashore will only issue CUAs for activities that are
determined to be an appropriate use of the Memorial;
will have minimal impact on Memorial resources and values; and
are consistent with the Memorial's purpose, management plans, policies and regulations.
A CUA is required if you provide any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other function for park visitors that:
take place at least in part on lands managed by the National Park Service,
use park resources, and
result in compensation, monetary gain, benefit, or profit to you.
Which commercial activities are permitted?
Allowable Activities
Permitted Locations, Requirements & Limitations
Bicycle and Electric (E-Bikes) Services
Application Fee: $350.00
CUA will be valid for activities at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial
Bicycle and electric bikes tours for individuals or groups
Associated photography service
Permitted locations:
Park roads and in parking areas that are otherwise open for motor vehicle use by the general public.
CUA holders may not use their personal annual or lifetime passes to admit clients into Wright Brothers National Memorial. Participant’s age 16 and older entering the park must pay applicable entrance fees of $10 per person. Clients may use their own annual or lifetime passes to cover this entry fee.
Prohibited Locations:
Bicycle riding off of park roads and parking areas to include sidewalks and trails.
Appropriate safety equipment to include, at minimum, a properly sized helmet.
All bikes must be maintained, inspected, and in good working condition at all times.
Bicycles must exhibit a white light on the front and a red light or reflector on the rear. The CUA holder must inform customers to use the lights during periods of low visibility
Interpretive and Educational Programs
Application Fee: $350.00
CUA will be valid for activities at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial
Formal interpretive programs such as tours, walks, talks, or hikes including the following activities: walking tours of the beach and sound-side areas; and talks around beach fires
Historical demonstrations such as fish-net mending or U.S. Life Saving Service beach apparatus drill
Recreational skill demonstrations such as bird watching or night sky/astronomy programs
Sea turtle nest demonstrations and sand castle building (Cape Hatteras National Seashore only)
Commercial transportation of participant/s via Off-Road Vehicle/s (ORVs) on designated ORV ramps and routes (Cape Hatteras NS only)
Associated photography services
Permitted locations at Cape Hatteras National Seashore:
Anywhere open to the public with the exception of the following:
Lifeguarded areas
Bodie Island Light Station area and historic grounds: April – October between 9 am and 5 pm
Hatteras Island Light Station area and historic grounds: April – October between 9 am and 5 pm
Permitted locations at Fort Raleigh National Historic Site and Wright Brothers National Memorial: anywhere open to the public
Limitations: Holder may not provide interpretive and educational programs in the same general location or same general time period as similar programs provided by the National Park Service
As applicable, the authorization Holder must obtain a fee-free Cape Hatteras National Seashore Beach Fire Permit in order to provide beach/campfires as part of the interpretive and educational programs. The Holder and its clients must abide by all stipulations and regulations of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Beach Fire Permit
The authorization Holder must abide by all applicable fishing regulations, which may include requirements to obtain a state of North Carolina fishing license for activities such as seine netting and catch and release ghost crabbing. The authorization Holder is responsible for making its own determinations as to applicability of fishing regulations and obtaining any necessary permits
This authorization does not authorize the Holder to take or collect plants, fish, wildlife, rocks or minerals (soil), as these activities require separate permitting
Limitations for sea turtle nest demonstrations:
Wildlife - sea turtle nest demonstrations may not involve any wildlife
Location - demonstration nests must be located within close proximity to one another and the Hatteras Island Ocean Center to facilitate regular monitoring by the authorization Holder; authorization Holder must notify the park contact (listed at the top of this authorization) of the sites selected for nest demonstrations and include GPS coordinates of the sites
Removal - the National Park Service reserves the right to remove or request removal of demonstration nests in order to protect park resources. If the National Park Service removes the demonstration nests, the park contact will notify the Holder to arrange transfer of equipment and discuss alternative locations
Required signage – the authorization Holder must place signs at demonstration areas clearly identifying that the demonstration nests are for educational purposes and do not contain actual sea turtles or sea turtle eggs; signage must be easily differentiated from National Park Service nest signs, staking, fencing and marking to indicate to clients, NPS staff and the general public that these are not actual sea turtle nests
Required messages – authorization Holder must educate clients about endangered species protections, including the following specific messages:
Under no circumstance is a nest or turtle to be disturbed, e.g. dug into
If you see any turtle activity including tracks, hatchlings or other evidence of turtle nesting, call 252-216-6892 to inform Cape Hatteras National Seashore
If using an ORV, must follow rules and regulations for ORV use within the Seashore
Photography Instruction
Application Fee: $350.00
CUA will be valid for activities at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial
Photography instruction for individuals and/or groups
Associated walking tours
Commercial transportation of participant/s via Off-Road Vehicle/s (ORVs) on designated ORV ramps and routes (Cape Hatteras NS only)
Commercial transportation of participant/s on roads to and/or within the park
Permitted locations:
Any areas open to the public.
If using an ORV, must follow rules and regulations for ORV use within the Seashore
Towing Service
Application Fee: $350.00
CUA will be valid for activities at Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, and Wright Brothers National Memorial
Commercial towing of inoperable vehicles
Tire repair
Battery service
Permitted locations:
Any areas open to the public
Operators must have spill kits and mitigate any spilled hazardous fuel and or oils
Application Process
Before conducting commercial activities in the Seashore, businesses or individuals must submit a CUA application, receive approval from the Seashore superintendent, and have a copy of the CUA present at all times while conducting business in the Seashore. Businesses and individuals may not conduct commercial activities in the Seashore without a valid CUA or in a manner inconsistent with the terms of the CUA.
The Seashore requires at least 2 weeks to process a completed CUA application
Applications are reviewed in the order they are received
Applicants may receive follow-up emails or phone calls with requests for additional information
Applicants will receive approval, denial or requests for modifications to the proposed commercial activities no later 4 weeks after receipt of the completed application and application fee
For what time period are Commercial Use Authorizations Valid?
The Seashore issues CUAs on a one-year basis and they are valid from the date of issue until December 31 of the same calendar year. For example, if an application is received on February 1, 2024, and the CUA is issued on March 1, 2024, the CUA will be valid from March 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. As another example, if a CUA is issued on September 1, it will be valid from September 1 until December 31 of the same year.
For questions regarding Commercial Use Authorizations (CUAs) and doing business in Cape Hatteras National Seashore, e-mail or call 252-475-9034 8:00 am – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday, Eastern Standard Time, excluding federal holidays.
Last updated: February 4, 2025
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Mailing Address:
Wright Brothers National Memorial
1401 National Park Drive