Welcome to the online Grants Management System - IGX! 

Because this is a new online management system, all organizations will need to register with the system.

Steps to Get Started:

  • The initial Registration for your organization must be completed by an Authorized Official (AO) for the organization
  • Once the AO registers the organization, they will receive an email Notification of Access Approval from the online systems administrator
  • The AO can then designate access to your organizational account for additional staff members as they deem appropriate

To visit our official Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet | GMD grants website, click the following link: https://justice.ky.gov/Departments-Agencies/GMD/

Helpdesk: jusigx@ky.gov

Note:  The system times out and returns to the login screen after 20 minutes of inactivity.

The system will "timeout" after 20 minutes of inactivity

Inactivity is defined as 20 minutes without saving.  We recommend saving at least every 15 minutes.

Work that has not been saved after 20 minutes will be lost and cannot be recovered.
KY-ASAP Local Board 2026 Traditional Request for Funding will open on February 17, 2025 and close on March 7, 2025.

This funding opportunity is only open to KY-ASAP Local Boards