Low cost trees for businesses, non-profits, and organizations

The City of Minneapolis and Tree Trust partner together for the City Trees program.

Who can apply: Businesses, non-profits, organizations, schools, and 5+ unit apartment buildings. Property must have enough green space for trees and a plan to water and maintain the trees (critical for the first three years).

Cost: Trees cost $30 each which includes a consultation with a landscaper to find the best trees for your property. Trees are professionally planted, mulched, and include watering bags to assist you in caring for the trees.

Next steps: Tree Trust will contact you in the late spring or fall to schedule a site visit.

Planting: Priority will be given to sites that request 5 or more trees. Requests for plantings are being accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Plantings are scheduled for spring and fall.

If cost or maintenance is a concern, email TreeHealth@minneapolismn.gov