Press Release: Gov. Evers Delivers Radio Address on Shared Revenue Budget Priorities
State of Wisconsin sent this bulletin at 02/24/2023 07:00 AM CST![]() |
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 24, 2023 |
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Gov. Evers Delivers Radio Address on Shared Revenue Budget Priorities |
Audio File of Radio Address. MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today delivered the Democratic Radio Address highlighting his priorities, shared last week in his 2023-25 Biennial Budget Message, regarding providing 20 percent of the state’s sales tax revenue back to local communities for shared revenue. Hey there, folks. Governor Tony Evers here. I recently introduced my 2023-25 biennial budget—and this is a budget about getting back to the basics and doing the right thing. A key part of doing the right thing is making sure our communities have the resources they need to meet basic and unique needs alike. I’ve always said much of the hard work that happens in our state happens at the local level, whether it’s expanding affordable housing, repairing streets, ensuring clean parks and water, providing essential services like EMS, police, and fire, or supporting local libraries and public health. But let’s be frank: for the last decade, our local partners have been asked to do more with less. The bottom line is that the way we've been funding essential local services in our communities is unsustainable, and it’s time for the state to do its part. That’s why I’m proposing to send 20 percent of the state’s sales tax revenue back to our local communities for shared revenue. That’s more than half a billion dollars more a year in new resources to invest in key priorities like public safety, fire, and EMS. It’s time for the state to start being a partner in—and not an obstacle to—our partners at the local level, and supporting our local communities is an area where we can and should find common ground and bipartisan support. With our historic surplus, we have a historic opportunity and responsibility. We have to get this done, folks. And I know that together we will. Thank you. |
An online version of this release is available here. |
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