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Gov. Beshear Announces Over $32 Million to Provide Clean Drinking Water, Improve Infrastructure Across Kentucky

All 120 counties have now received an award from Cleaner Water Program; all money allocated

FRANKFORT, Ky. (March 14, 2023) – Today, Gov. Andy Beshear announced the commitment of $32,384,071 in the second round of funding from the Cleaner Water Program to support 75 projects that will provide clean drinking water and improve water infrastructure across 19 counties in Kentucky. Now, all 120 Kentucky counties have received funding from the program and all $500 million has been allocated.

Approximately 511 unserved households and 7,863 underserved households will benefit from water and sewer line projects. Water and wastewater treatment plants or water tank projects will also benefit local Kentucky families, while boosting infrastructure and fueling future economic growth. 

“As Governor, and also as a dad, I want to make sure all of our families can turn on their faucets and know that water is safe to give their children,” Gov. Beshear said. “That is why I worked with lawmakers to launch the Cleaner Water Program. I want to thank lawmakers for their partnership and support, and today, I’m proud to report that every single Kentucky county has received funding and all $500 million has been allocated.”

The funding comes from Gov. Beshear’s Cleaner Water Program, which is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act and administered by the Kentucky Infrastructure Authority. Through a bipartisan agreement with the General Assembly, $500 million has been appropriated to provide clean drinking water and wastewater grants to fund projects in all 120 counties since 2021. Today’s $32 million rounds out the $250 million allocation for round two.

The funding is being allocated based on each county’s proportion of the state’s population, with the exception of Jefferson County’s share, which is discounted by 50% based on its high per capita allocation from the federal act. As the project progresses, the utility will be reimbursed by Cleaner Water Program funds.

Gov. Beshear highlighted the below projects:

The City of Versailles will use $1 million to replace outdated waterlines. This project will improve water pressure for 120 homes.

“This project will help increase pressure to a part of town where the water main hasn’t been replaced since the early 1960s,” said the City of Versailles Mayor Brian Traugott. “This is the home of a senior citizen and disabled living facility. It’s a pretty big deal to our residents in Versailles and we are extremely grateful for it.”

The Northeast Woodford County Water District will use $100,000 to repaint an aging storage tank, allowing the tank to stay in operation.

“It just goes to show that working together works,” said Woodford County Judge/Executive James Kay. “I want to thank the members of the General Assembly. Working with our cities and the county together, that’s how we get those clean water monies to our constituents. And it takes Republicans and Democrats and Independents to come together to do big things in our community, like attract and retain jobs. And it really helps when you have a Governor who leads from the front.”

“I would like to thank the state for providing the grant so we can paint our water tank,” said Northeast Woodford County Water District Chairman John Davis. “Maintaining the facilities and the resources that we have is extremely important, and this will do that. I thank them greatly for this, and that’s on behalf of 1,021 customers in our water district.”

The City of Manchester will use $617,925 to construct a new water storage tank, as well as rehabilitate two existing tanks. This project will serve more than 3,000 homes.

“This new water tank will provide service to over 3,000 residents here in Manchester and outside the city limits in Clay County,” said the City of Manchester Mayor Steve Collins via video. “This is a huge step for us in the right direction, moving forward with some of our water issues. From all of us here in Manchester and Clay County, we sincerely thank Gov. Beshear for assisting us with this project.”

“The Cleaner Water Program funds coming to Clay County will improve our existing water systems for our citizens,” shared Clay County Judge/Executive Tommy Harmon via video. “Having a reliable water system is a basic need and will move our county forward. This will also help attract new businesses to our county. When our state and local leaders work together, great things can happen for Kentucky. Thank you, Governor, for allocating these funds for Clay County.”

“Every single Kentucky family deserves clean drinking water, and this program is making it happen, with now all 120 counties receiving funding,” said Rep. Derrick Graham of Frankfort. “Our goal as leaders should be to improve the lives of those we serve, and this program most certainly does that. I want to thank Gov. Beshear and the General Assembly for coming together to make this happen.”

The City of Pineville will use $299,325 to provide public water service for the first time to 25 unserved homes.

The Hardin County Water District No. 1 will use $1.9 million to provide public water service for the first time to 95 unserved homes.

For a complete list of the projects approved during this round, click here.

In October, Gov. Beshear announced the commitment of more than $217 million from the Cleaner Water Program to benefit 102 counties.

The American Society of Civil Engineers in 2019 projected that Kentucky faces nearly $14.5 billion in water and wastewater infrastructure needs over the next 20 years, including over $8.2 billion in drinking water upgrades and $6.2 billion in sewer system improvements.

The Cleaner Water Program is part of Gov. Beshear’s Better Kentucky Plan, which aims to create 14,500 jobs and build better schools, expand access to high-speed internet, improve infrastructure and deliver clean drinking water and quality sewer systems across Kentucky.



