Official Government Website

9 Million Acres - We've Got You Covered

The Idaho Department of Lands protects 9 million acres of forests and rangelands from wildfire. Because Idahoans need timely and accurate information about fires in their communities, we issue wildfire alerts for fires on land we protect. Typically, we issue alerts for fires that are larger than 10 acres, threaten structures, or are managed by an Incident Management Team. Our wildfire alert system sends notifications and fire information via SMS text messaging and email.

These are Wildfire Alerts Only - Not Evacuation Notices

IDL does NOT issue evacuation notices for wildfires because in Idaho, local sheriff’s are responsible for ordering evacuations. When sheriffs order evacuations for fire incidents, we work with their offices to share the notices through our wildfire alert system and on social media.

Sign up to Receive Wildfire Alerts from IDL

Sign up to receive alerts about wildland fires by clicking your Forest Protective District on the following map. You can also select a district from the list at the bottom of this page. After you identify your district, sign up to receive fire information via text messaging or email. You may sign up to receive alerts for multiple districts. Our wildfire alert system does not provide alerts for other jurisdictions, such as local fire departments or federal fire agencies.

Per our privacy policy,  we may periodically provide you with information about fire prevention and preparedness, burn permits and fire restrictions.

Priest Lake Forest Protective District

Coolin, Jack Pine Flats, Priest Lake, and Upper Priest Lake

Kootenai Valley Forest Protective District

Porthill, Moyie Springs, Bonners Ferry, and Naples

Pend Oreille Forest Protective District

Bayview, Colburn, Newport, Ponderay, Sagle, Samuels, and Sandpoint

Mica Forest Protective District

Athol, Coeur d’Alene, Hayden, Post Falls, Rathdrum, Spirit Lake, and Worley

Cataldo Forest Protective District

Cataldo, Kellogg, Mullan, Osburn, Pinehurst, Rose Lake, Smelterville, and Wallace

West St. Joe Forest Protective District

Calder, Emerald Creek, Emida, Fernwood, Harrison, St. Maries, and Santa

Ponderosa Forest Protective District

Bovill, Deary, Juliaetta, Kendrick, Lenore, Lewiston, Moscow, Potlatch, and Troy

C-PTPA Forest Protective District

Elk River, Greer, Headquarters, Orofino, Pierce, and Weippe

Learn more about the Clearwater-Potlatch Timber Protective Association (CPTPA) by visiting their website.

Maggie Creek Forest Protective District

Clearwater, Grangeville, Kamiah, Kooskia, Nez Perce, and Stites

Craig Mountain Forest Protective District

Cottonwood, Ferdinand, Greencrick, Waha, Winchester, and Whitebird

SITPA Forest Protective District

Donnelly, Cascade, Lake Fork, McCall, New Meadows, Packer John State Forest, and Smiths Ferry

Learn more about the Southern Idaho Timber Protective Association (SITPA) by visiting their website.

Southwest Forest Protective District

Banks, Bogus Basin, Horseshoe Bend, Idaho City, Ola, Placerville, and Sweet

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