Regionomics®, focuses on economic development strategy and local economies – their industries, people, workforce, growth and change. We understand the relationship between economic development and workforce development and know that neither can succeed without the other.
Regionomics was founded by Bill LaFayette, Ph.D. in 2011. Download Bill’s complete bio here.
Understanding the local economy is critical for economic developers, business owners, workforce professionals, and local officials. Regionomics offers data-driven insight into your community’s or region’s economy and strategies to move it forward.
1 – Workforce
We strongly believe that effective economic development is impossible without effective workforce development, and a detailed workforce analysis should be a component of a comprehensive economic development strategy. Regionomics offers extensive experience in helping clients understand their region’s or industry’s workforce needs.
4 – Impact
Economic impact analysis recognizes that the operation of a firm or activity increases production and employment throughout a region’s economy as goods and services are purchased from suppliers and as employees spend their wages on household needs. The results can be used to communicate value to stakeholders and government officials, to select among alternative projects, or to determine a return on public or private investment.
2 – Regional
Individual communities and neighborhoods within a county or region usually differ significantly from one another, so understanding the county or region simply is not enough. Regionomics can help you understand the demographics and economics of your region at a neighborhood level.
5 – Fiscal Analysis
Regionomics estimates tax impacts of existing and proposed development and analyzes the long-term balance between revenues and expenditures.
3 – Research
Regionomics offers its extensive experience in economic and demographic statistics and analysis on a recurring and ad-hoc basis.

Public Speaking
Dr. Bill LaFayette is an experienced public speaker and educator. He regularly speaks to professional and community groups on a variety of topics, including the status and structure of local economies, workforce, business and economic development, and small business and entrepreneurship issues. Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Bill LaFayette, Ph.D., provides a quarterly Ohio Economic Update for the Ohio REALTORS®. Issues are available here. The Regionomics Columbus Economic Forecast is released annually in early January. Forecasts beginning with 2012 are posted here. A series of bimonthly articles for Hannah News Service explored various aspects of the Ohio economy. These articles, which began in 2012 and ran through 2021, are posted here.
Please visit the Regionomics Facebook page for regular updates and insights.

“Bill’s understanding of trends and his ability to organize and simplify complex ideas are, in my experience, second to none. I highly recommend him, and believe any project’s chances of success are likely augmented by Dr. LaFayette’s involvement.“

“I’ve worked with Bill LaFayette and Regionomics for a number of projects over the years where both current data and insightful analysis was critical. What I appreciate about Bill is that he understands economic and community development, and the importance of data to the work of policymakers and practitioners.”

“Dr. LaFayette has an often hard to find skill set in taking complex data sets for analysis and incorporating a laymen’s understanding in the delivery of that data that enables organizations and groups to be able to clearly set directions and mobilize implementation.“
If you are interested in discovering growth opportunities for your neighborhood, your community, or your region, or if you need plans to develop your region’s workforce, please contact Dr. Bill LaFayette.