​​​Online Services

Chesapeake Bay Hotline

Call 1-877-224-7229
to report any of the following

  • Boating accident or reckless activity
  • Fish kill or algal bloom
  • Floating debris that poses a hazard
  • Illegal fishing activity
  • Public sewer leak or overflow
  • Oil or hazardous material spill
  • Critical area or wetlands violation
  • Suspicious or unusual activity

How to Apply for Pumpout Grants

Marine Sewage Pumpout Facility Grants

The Department of Natural Resources provides a reimbursement of up to $20,000 to marinas for the purchase and installation of marine sewage pumpout facilities. Marinas that install these systems provide boaters with a proper method of disposing of their sewage and thus contribute to cleaning up Maryland waters. Grant funding is also available for a reimbursement of pumpout operations and pumpout operations and maintenance, pumpout upgrades and replacement. This program is funded by the Federal Clean Vessel Act (75%) with supporting funds (25%) from the Maryland Waterway Improvement Fund.

Who Should Apply?

Any public or private marina.

How to Apply

    Do not purchase any equipment or proceed with the project until you have written approval from DNR. Click here to download and complete a copy of DNR's Maryland Pumpout Grant Application (Adobe Acrobat format, get Acrobat Reader here) or contact DNR at (410) 260-​8772. The application packet contains a list of pumpout vendors.

  • Step 2: PROPOSAL
    Submit completed application to DNR along with a simple proposal for the project which includes the following:
  • Brief written description of the project
  • Equipment to be purchased (including prices). You do not have to select the least expensive equipment, however DNR strongly encourages marinas to get quotes from more than one vendor.
  • At least two competitive bids for installation (i.e., plumbing and electrical) if needed. In-house installation should be discussed with DNR staff.
  • Drawing showing location for installation (include electrical and plumbing runs)

    Complete Part I of the ​Coordinated Environmental Review Form and send to DNR.
    DNR staff will reach out to the local health department and the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to complete Parts II and III.

    The marina may also need to obtain local plumbing, electrical, or building permits depending on the project. You must forward copies of all local permits to DNR as part of the application.

    Complete the Chesapeake and Coastal Risk ​Assessment Form as required by our Federal partner U.S. Fish & Wildlife.​

    Once all local and MDE approvals and permits are in hand, DNR will approve the application and forward a copy to you with an approval letter for your files.

    Purchase and install the pumpout facility according to the approved proposal. You must notify DNR of any changes to project which may come up during installation. Notify DNR when the project is completed.

  • Step 6: INVOICES
    Once equipment has been purchased, submit the Pumpout Installation Reimbursement Invoice with receipts and proof of payment to DNR. Marinas must pay for the equipment up-front and can immediately submit paperwork for partial reimbursement on the equipment itself.

    You must also submit a W-9 dated in the current calendar year.​

    Installation expenses and final reimbursement payments will be made after final inspection has been made.
  • NOTES: Some counties charge permit fees for first-time installations. These fees are reimbursable and should be included in your requested grant amount. Maryland law requires new and expanding marinas with more than 10 slips, and all marinas with 50 or more slips berthing any boats over 22’, must have a pumpout.

    DNR staff is here to help you. Please email pumpouts.dnr@maryland.gov ​or call 410-260-8772 with questions.​