Each year, the Reforestation Program purchases quality seed from locally adapted native trees and shrubs to meet reforestation goals in Wisconsin. A large portion of this seed is purchased from local collectors. If you are interested in becoming a seed collector for the state nursery program, please read the following information carefully before you invest your time and effort.
Getting started
The first step is to contact your nearest state nursery prior to collecting seed as purchase prices change each year along with species and quantities needed. When collection goals have been reached, purchasing will end.
Get permission
Before collecting, check regulations. Many public lands require a permit. On private lands, you must get permission from the landowner.
Seed species we purchase
Get current information and a list of what species of seeds we are purchasing [PDF] for 2024.
Where to take the seed
The Reforestation Program has a network of buying stations across the state. The buying stations have been updated and are listed on the second page of the 2024 Seed Collector’s Newsletter [PDF].
Seed cleaning and storage
Seed must be stored in a cool, dry location and delivered to a buying station or nursery as soon as possible. This avoids overheating and molding, two factors that can affect seed viability. Each seed has a specific requirement for handling, cleaning and storage. Contact the nursery staff with any questions. Be aware: Seed quality can impact the purchase price. See the seed collection instruction guide [PDF] for more information.
The Reforestation Program uses a voucher system for payment. A copy of the voucher is given to the seller, and a check will be mailed from our finance office in the following weeks.