Expression of Interest for SME Commission Position
Thank you for your interest in and support of Wyoming's Stable Token project.  At the May 8th meeting, the Stable Token Commission asked for information from the public.  If you would like to be considered for one of the subject matter expert positions on the Commission, please provide your expression of interest here.
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Name *
What company do you work for or what special interest group might you be associated with?
Email *
Phone Number
Please list the phone number where you can be contacted including area code.
Please list any qualifications that may make you a good SME (subject matter expert) for the Commission.
Why are you interested in serving?
Are you a Wyoming Resident?
Answering "NO" does not exclude you from serving
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Would you still be interested in serving if we determine that subject matter expert commissioners would be precluded from bidding on or providing services to Wyoming's Stable Token project?
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