
Water Summary Update

Water Summary Update

Water Summary Update is a quick view of four ways to explain the status of Iowa’s water resources and observes events affecting water supplies and hydrology. It will be published once a month or as conditions significantly change. It is prepared by the Iowa DNR in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, the Iowa Geological Survey, the U.S. Geological Survey, and The Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department.

Current Water Summary Update, posted March 6, 2025

For archived Water Summary Reports, please visit the State Library of Iowa's website and search for "Water Summary Update."

State of Iowa Drought Plan

Iowa's Drought Plan (IDP) was developed through a collaborative planning process between state, local, and federal partners. With input and feedback provided by stakeholders throughout 2022, a core team of representatives from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS), and the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEMD) drafted the following pages with the full support of senior leadership from each respective state entity. During 2023 these agencies will be implementing and testing the Iowa Drought Plan. The entire plan can be accessed by using the link below.

State of Iowa Drought Plan

More Information on Iowa's Water Resource Trends

Iowa State University Drought Information and Resources

Iowa Department of Public Safety Burning Ban Map

National Weather Service 8-14 Day Outlook

Iowa Climatology Bureau Weather Resources 

Crop Progress and Condition

USGS Iowa Drought Watch

Drought Q & A from the USGS

Water Conservation Tips

The American Water Works Association’s comprehensive clearinghouse of resources on water conservation, efficiency, and demand management for conservation professionals and the larger water supply community

National Integrated Drought Information System

Iowa Flood Information System