Recreational Regulations
Regulations by Species
Regulations apply for Florida state waters unless otherwise noted. State waters are from shore to 3 miles in the Atlantic and from shore to 9 miles in the Gulf. Beyond state waters, please see federal regulations below.
Term used by fishery managers to describe several species of fish that tend to live and are frequently caught on reefs.
- Looking for a species not listed above? It may be an “unregulated” species.

FWC Atlantic EFP Project
Want to be able to catch (and keep!) Atlantic red snapper? FWC is collaborating with anglers to test innovative ways to reduce Atlantic red snapper discards, increase harvest opportunities, and improve angler satisfaction. Learn more.

Fish Rules app
Keep up-to-date with saltwater and freshwater fishing regulations by using the Fish Rules App. Look for it in the App Store and Google Play for iOS and Android. Enable Location Services to see site-specific regulations for your location. Learn more.
Other regulations
More Information
For information on fish consumption advisories, visit the Florida Fish Advisories Webpage.
Additional Rule Information
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