As part of the CESA listing process, CDFW must prepare status reviews for plants and animals designated as candidates by the California Fish and Game Commission(opens in new tab) (Commission). These status reviews must be based on the best scientific information available to CDFW, must be scientifically peer-reviewed, and must include a recommendation to the Commission on whether listing is warranted. The table below includes links to status reviews that have recently been completed by CDFW, and the Commission’s final determinations related to those species (if applicable). For more information on the CESA listing process and the Commission’s related proceedings, see the Commission’s page on Petitions to List Species Under the California Endangered Species Act(opens in new tab). For a current list of species that are listed under CESA, please see the Threatened or Endangered Plant Species List (PDF)(opens in new tab) and the Threatened or Endangered Animal Species List (PDF)(opens in new tab).