Air Fares
This page presents inflation-adjusted and unadjusted average air fares since 1995. Averages are computed using data from the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' Passenger Origin and Destination (O&D) Survey, a 10% sample of all airline tickets for U.S. carriers, excluding charter air travel.
Average Fares are based on domestic itinerary fares. Itinerary fares consist of round-trip fares unless the customer does not purchase a return trip. In that case, the one-way fare is included. Fares are based on the total ticket value which consists of the price charged by the airlines plus any additional taxes and fees levied by an outside entity at the time of purchase. Fares include only the price paid at the time of the ticket purchase and do not include fees for optional services, such as baggage fees. Averages do not include frequent-flyer or “zero fares.” The inflation adjustment is calculated using dollars for the most recent year of air fare data.
The most recent data are from the 3rd Quarter of 2024.
Air Fare Press Releases (Tables 1-6)
National Level Fares since 1995
Average Fares – Top 100 Airports and eight Metropolitan Areas
- Table 7. Fares at Airports with 2,000,000+ Originating Passengers 3rd Quarter 2024
- Table 8. Fares at Airports with 1.5M-1.99M Originating Passengers 3rd Quarter 2024
- Table 9. Fares at Airports with 1M-1.49M Originating Passengers 3rd Quarter 2024
- Table 10. Fares at Airports with 500K-999,999K Originating Passengers 3rd Quarter 2024
- Table 11. Fares at Airports with 100K-499,999K Originating Passengers 3rd Quarter 2024
- Table 12. Fares at Metropolitan Areas 3rd Quarter 2024
Search for Average Fares at up to three of the Top 100 Airports and eight Metropolitan Areas