Funding Workbook for all California Tribes — California Climate Investments

The Funding Workbook is meant to support all Tribes and may be of particular interest if: 

  • Your Tribe is new to California’s climate programs and could use support finding programs that are a good fit. 

  • Your Tribe does not currently have federal recognition or operates through a nonprofit and you have had difficulty finding programs available to your Tribe. 

  • Your Tribe has limited capacity and would benefit from a streamlined way to narrow down the collection of programs offered through California Climate Investments. 

  • Your Tribe has Tribal cultural preservation priorities like cultural burning, food sovereignty and cultural medicine, and more, but has a hard time identifying funding opportunities that can support those priorities. 

  • Your Tribe likes to stay updated on available resources, even if you are not looking to design projects at this time. 

Getting Support

Requests and Suggestions Form

As this is a new resource, engagement will play an important role in ensuring Tribes are aware of the Funding Workbook and have the support needed to use it. Your Tribe can use the Requests and Suggestions Form to:

Request free physical copies:
While the online version is available to download, the Funding Workbook is designed to be a physical resource. You are meant to hold it, write in it, and revisit it. California Climate Investments is offering to mail free copies to any Tribe that requests them through the Requests and Suggestions Form. 

Suggest the engagement you’d like to see:
Use the Requests and Suggestions Form to voice what engagement your Tribe would like to see from California Climate Investments, like presenting the Funding Workbook at events or workshops. Your suggestions will help prioritize the engagement and support that would most benefit you. Suggestions for virtual events are especially welcomed due to current State budget constraints.

Request to be notified:
If you don’t have a specific engagement suggestion in mind but would like to be notified of virtual events or workshops near you, please use the Requests and Suggestions to let us know. 

General Support

California Climate Investments is excited to offer support to Tribes who have questions while working through the Funding Workbook. Whether the content is worded in a confusing way or you’d like more details, reach out. Understanding what questions come up as you use the Funding Workbook will help tailor engagement and improve this resource over time. You can reach us at or 1-800-757-2907 (hablamos español).

California Climate Investments staff look forward to meeting you and helping however possible, whether it’s via email, phone, or at an event.

Offering our gratitude 

We would like to take a moment to thank all of the Tribes who have taken the time to
engage with us as we developed this resource and throughout our learning journey.
It is our hope that this resource serves you as you continue to navigate climate funding opportunities available through the State. It is also our hope that the experiences and
expertise you have shared with us, which we hope to reflect in this resource, can
support Tribes throughout the State who may be new to these funding opportunities or
are facing similar hurdles in identifying funding that fits their Tribe’s priorities and needs.  

With immense gratitude and appreciation, thank you.  

More about the Funding Workbook for All California Tribes  

What is the Funding Workbook?

The Funding Workbook is a resource that guides Tribal leaders and Tribal staff through identifying whether funding opportunities available through California Climate Investments may be a good fit for your Tribe. The Funding Workbook walks Tribal leaders and staff through: 

  • What California Climate Investments is, 

  • Short descriptions of each program and types of Tribal cultural preservation that they may be well positioned to support, 

  • Information that may be of particular importance to Tribes, for example, whether advanced pay is available, whether there are set-aside Tribal resources, and whether a program has previously funded a Tribe, 

  • And more.  

Overall, there are 20 different categories of information to explore and use to assess fit. The Funding Workbook also provides next steps, including questions to consider asking, information on how to contact program staff, and an overview of how to get involved in shaping programs to better align with your needs. 

Who is the Funding Workbook for? 

This resource serves Tribes that operate as government entities, regardless of federal recognition, as well as those that operate via a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The Funding Workbook is meant to be flexible and used in whatever way best supports your priorities and previous experience. Throughout, background, context, and tips are included to orient those who may be new to navigating climate programs offered by the State of California. It is the hope of California Climate Investments that this resource is informative, approachable, and suitable to work through alone, as a team, or with the support of California Climate Investments staff. 

Why did California Climate Investments create the Funding Workbook? 

As California Climate Investments celebrates over 10 years of investing in projects throughout the state, staff continually reflect on how to maximize benefits to priority populations, including Tribes. This has included engaging directly with Tribes and reflecting on teachings from Tribes that have been generous enough to share their stories, experiences, frustrations, and hopes. Through this engagement, a few needs that became clear include: 

  • Information barriers, such as information that is hard to find or compare across programs, continue to disproportionately affect Tribes. 

  • Tribal cultural preservation is survival. State climate programs like those offered through California Climate Investments have the opportunity to support Tribal cultural preservation. Understanding how to recognize potential connections between Tribal cultural preservation and State programs can help California better support Tribal needs and priorities.  

  • Equitable access begins with understanding that Tribes have a varying level of access to State climate programs due to federal recognition status, differences in resources or capacity, and previous experience obtaining State funding. Increasing access calls for resources that serve all Tribes equitably. 

It is with these teachings in mind that California Climate Investments offers to the broader Tribal community the Funding Workbook for All California Tribes.   

Thank you for exploring the Funding Workbook for All California Tribes! 

Questions and feedback

If you have questions about the Funding Workbook or just want to connect, contact or call us at 1-800-757-2907 (hablamos español).  

Stay up to date  

If you are interested in learning more about California Climate Investments, subscribe to the quarterly California Climate Investments newsletter, which includes upcoming funding opportunities and program updates.  

If you would like more information about programs available to Tribal Governments, visit the California Climate Investments website, and download and share the Funding for Tribal Governments factsheet.