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Getting a student loan
Get started
Learn about different ways to pay for college
You have a choice about how you pay for your education. Understanding your choices can help you make the right decision for your situation. Read more
Compare your college costs and financial aid offers
Be sure you know whether you are being offered grants, scholarships, work study, or loans. If you’re weighing multiple financial aid offers, our Paying for College tool can help you compare your offers. Use our comparison tool
Find out how to apply for student loans
You must complete the FAFSA to be eligible for any federal student loans or grants. Read more
Understand your situation
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Submit a complaint
Having trouble with a financial product or service? If you've already tried reaching out to the company and still have an issue, you can submit a complaint. Tell us about your issue—we'll forward it to the company and work to get you a response, generally within 15 days.
Repaying student loans
Get started
Learn how to find information about your student loans
It’s important to understand the terms of your student loan so that you know how much you owe, when to begin paying, and how much to pay. Read more
Explore student loan repayment options
Paying off your student debt can be confusing. Walk through your options to pay off your loans. Read more
Learn about repayment programs for people in public service
There are programs to help you manage your federal student loan debt while pursuing a career in public service. Read more
Understand your situation
Take action
Submit a complaint
Having trouble with a financial product or service? If you've already tried reaching out to the company and still have an issue, you can submit a complaint. Tell us about your issue—we'll forward it to the company and work to get you a response, generally within 15 days.