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Dutchess County’s Adopt-A-Highway program provides the opportunity for any local business or organization, including civic, educational, fraternal, neighborhood, religious, scout, senior service, and/or youth center to perform roadside maintenance activities including litter pickup, planting and vegetation maintenance, or other approved activities. 

If you are interested in participating in the Adopt-A-Highway program or need more information, please contact the Department of Public Works-Engineering Division at (845) 486-2925.  


General Information

Any business or organization, including civic, educational, fraternal, neighborhood, religious, scout, senior service, and youth may enter into a DUTCHESS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (DCDPW) "ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY" Agreement.

The business/organization will be permitted to perform roadside maintenance activities including litter pickup, planting and maintaining approved vegetation, or other activities specifically approved by DCDPW Engineering Division. The Department may modify this list as needed to accommodate specific situations.

The Agreement is for a 1-year period and is renewable every January 1.

The approximate length of highway to be adopted is 2 miles. The Department may modify the length requirements depending on roadway character and to accommodate requests to adopt interchanges or entrances to villages and town centers.

The minimum age of the participants without adult supervision is 18 years. One adult supervisor MUST be provided by the business/organization for every 6 persons between the ages of 12 and 18. No person under age 12 is permitted.

The business/organization will be required to organize a safety briefing with a representative from the DCDPW Engineering Division before each pickup. All participants must attend the safety briefings before participating in the cleanup efforts.

All participant vehicles shall be parked off (outside) the roadway shoulder.

The DCDPW Engineering Division will provide trash bags, which the business/organization may obtain during normal working hours.

The business/organization will place the full trash bags at 1 or more locations along the adopted highway shoulder. The business/organization will call DCDPW at (845) 486-2925 on the working day (Monday-Friday) prior to the event so that the trash bags can be collected on the working day after the event.

The suggested minimum frequency of pickup along highways is 4 times per year with the first pickup occurring in the April-May "spring cleanup" time period. The Department may modify the suggested frequencies to accommodate the specific conditions encountered.

Each business/organization will be required to obtain a Dutchess County Highway Work Permit, and provide a certificate of general liability insurance listing the County of Dutchess, 22 Market Street, Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601, as additional insured. If the business/organization is unable to provide the certificate of insurance, it may apply for a waiver of the insurance requirement.

Each business/organization will be required to obtain Workers' Compensation Insurance or provide proof of exemption.

The DCDPW will install an "Adopt-A-Highway" sign naming the "adopting" business/organization at the beginning and end of each section of highway adopted.

The Department's Permit Engineer will be the DCDPW's contact with the business/organization and manage the agreement after it is signed. The business/organization will be required to designate one of their members as the coordinator.

The Department may modify the standard agreement on a case-by-case basis as noted above to address the specifics of the business/organization and the situation. DCDPW Engineering Division will review any changes as requested to the standard agreement.

Safety Rules

  • No illicit activities or uncivilized behavior. Behave properly, so not to compromise your safety or distract motorists.
  • No alcoholic beverages or working under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted.
  • Stay well away from pavement areas and traffic.
  • No vehicles can be parked on roadways or roadway shoulders.
  • Do not pick up anything that could be hazardous to your health. This includes needles, jagged glass, animal carcasses and heavy objects. If in doubt, contact DCDPW Engineering Division at (845) 486-2925.
  • Always face oncoming traffic.
  • Wear appropriate gloves and long pants on the job. DCDPW recommends leather shoes or boots also, instead of sneakers.
  • Make sure 12 to 18 year old participants are supervised. One adult supervisor for every 6 underage participants. No person under age 12 is permitted.
  • Participants under age 18 should not operate power equipment.
  • Organizations must have the following items: a first aid kit, mobile phone, and transportation should be available at all times for emergencies. It is recommended that someone present in the business/organization should be familiar with CPR techniques in case of emergency.
  • Avoid overexertion and make arrangements to provide drinking water, particularly in hot weather.
  • Do not walk on guide rail.
  • Stay off the underside of overhead bridge structures.
  • Do not lean over bridge railings.
  • Do not perform Adopt-A-Highway activities during inclement weather.
  • Do not perform Adopt-A-Highway activities from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
  • Do not reach into areas you cannot see into. This includes culvert pipes, high grass, rock outcrops, etc.
  • A minimum of 3 participants are to be present during Adopt-A-Highway activities.