Breakthrough Devices Program
On this page:
- What is the Breakthrough Devices Program?
- What are the benefits of the Breakthrough Devices Program?
- Is my device eligible?
- When do I request a Breakthrough Device designation?
- How do I request a Breakthrough Device designation?
- What do I include in a request for a Breakthrough Device designation?
- When will I find out if my device received a Breakthrough Device designation?
- What can I expect from the FDA if the Breakthrough Device designation is granted?
- Are there related programs designed to expedite the availability of certain devices that might apply to my device?
- Will the FDA announce when a device has been granted Breakthrough Device designation?
- How many devices have received Breakthrough Device designation?
- How many Breakthrough Devices have received marketing authorization?
- What guidances related to Breakthrough Devices Program are available?
- Who can I contact?
What is the Breakthrough Devices Program?
The Breakthrough Devices Program is a voluntary program for certain medical devices and device-led combination products that provide for more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating diseases or conditions.
The Breakthrough Devices Program is intended to provide patients and health care providers with timely access to medical devices by speeding up development, assessment, and review for premarket approval, 510(k) clearance, and De Novo marketing authorization. Breakthrough Devices must meet the FDA’s rigorous standards for device safety and effectiveness in order to be authorized for marketing. The Breakthrough Devices Program reflects our commitment to device innovation and protecting the public health.
The Breakthrough Devices Program replaces the Expedited Access Pathway and Priority Review for medical devices. The FDA considers devices granted designation under the Expedited Access Pathway to be part of the Breakthrough Devices Program.
What are the benefits of the Breakthrough Devices Program?
The Breakthrough Devices Program offers manufacturers an opportunity to interact with FDA experts through several different program options to efficiently address topics as they arise during the premarket review phase. This interaction can help manufacturers receive feedback from the FDA and identify areas of agreement in a timely way. Manufacturers can also expect prioritized review of their submission. Learn more about the Breakthrough Devices Program principles and features in Sections II and IV of the Breakthrough Devices Program final guidance.
Is my device eligible?
Devices subject to premarket approval applications (PMAs), premarket notification [510(k)], or requests for De Novo classification request are eligible for Breakthrough Device designation if the device meets both of the following criteria:
Criteria | Description | Refer to Guidance |
First Criterion | The device provides for more effective treatment or diagnosis of life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating human disease or conditions | Section III.B.1 |
Second Criterion | The device also meets at least one of the following: | |
Section III.B.2.a | |
Section III.B.2.b | |
Section III.B.2.c | |
Section III.B.2.d |
When do I request a Breakthrough Device designation?
You can send a Breakthrough designation request for your device at any time before sending your marketing submission (for example, premarket approval [PMA], premarket notification [510(k)], or De Novo classification request).
How do I request a Breakthrough Device designation?
You can request Breakthrough Device designation by submitting a "Designation Request for Breakthrough Device" Q-Submission. Your designation request should be the only request in the Q-Submission. If you are pursuing the Breakthrough Device designation while you have other requests for feedback pending, you may want to send the requests for feedback after the FDA makes a designation decision, because the designation may affect the feedback that the FDA provides on your other requests. The procedures for submitting a Q-Submission are outlined in the guidance, Requests for Feedback and Meetings for Medical Device Submissions: The Q-Submission Program.
You may send your Q-submission online through the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) Customer Collaboration Portal.
Also, the FDA may find devices that could be good candidates for the Breakthrough Devices Program and recommend that sponsors of such devices consider applying to the program.
What do I include in a request for a Breakthrough Device designation?
The FDA recommends that your designation request include:
- information to describe the device,
- the proposed indication for use,
- regulatory history,
- how your device meets the statutory criteria for a Breakthrough Device, and
- what type of marketing submission you plan to submit to the FDA for your device.
Learn more about what to include in your request in Appendix 1 of the Breakthrough Devices Program final guidance.
When will I find out if my device received Breakthrough Device designation?
The FDA intends to request any other information needed to inform the Breakthrough Device designation decision within 30 days of receiving your request. You can expect to receive a letter communicating the FDA's decision to grant or deny the Breakthrough Device designation request within 60 calendar days of the FDA receiving your request.
It is helpful when you are available and responsive to the FDA's requests throughout the review timeline. If the FDA does not receive the needed information to decide on a designation request promptly, it may result in denial of the Breakthrough Device designation request.
What can I expect from the FDA if Breakthrough Device designation is granted?
If your device is granted the Breakthrough Device designation, you can choose to interact with the FDA to obtain feedback on your device development through a variety of options including:
- sprint discussions,
- request for discussion on a data development plan, and
- request for clinical protocol agreement.
Learn more about these options in Section IV of the Breakthrough Devices Program guidance.
You will also receive prioritized review on future regulatory submissions for the device, including Q-Submissions, Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) applications, and marketing submissions.
Are there related programs designed to expedite the availability of certain devices that might apply to my device?
If your device is not eligible for a Breakthrough Device designation because it is not intended for the treatment or diagnosis of a life-threatening or irreversibly debilitating human disease or condition, you may consider whether or not your device would be a candidate for the Safer Technologies Program.
Will the FDA announce when a device has been granted Breakthrough Device designation?
Before issuing a marketing authorization, the FDA generally cannot publicly disclose whether a sponsor has submitted a Breakthrough Device designation request for a device or whether the FDA has granted or denied the request, unless the sponsor decides to make that information available to the public.
Additionally, the FDA maintains on its website a list of devices granted Breakthrough Device designation that have received marketing authorization, adding devices to the list once the device has received marketing authorization.
How many devices have received Breakthrough Device designation?
As of September 30, 2024, CDRH and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) have granted 1,041 Breakthrough Device designations, including devices originally designated under the Expedited Access Pathway (EAP) program. Of the 1,041 devices granted Breakthrough Device designation, CDRH has granted 1,029 and CBER has granted 12.
The following graphs provide the distribution of these designations by fiscal year as well as by clinical panel. The fiscal year starts on October 1 and ends on September 30 of the following year.
Graph 1: Number of Granted Breakthrough Device Designations by Fiscal Year
*Data includes devices that were designated under the precursor Expedited Access Pathway (EAP). Since the vision and designation criteria between the precursor EAP Program and the Breakthrough Devices Program are consistent, the FDA considers devices granted designation under the EAP to be a part of the Breakthrough Devices Program.
Graph 2: Number of Granted Breakthrough Device Designations by Clinical Panel
How many Breakthrough Devices have received marketing authorization?
Below is a list of CDRH and CBER Breakthrough Devices that have obtained marketing authorization.
CDRH and CBER Breakthrough Device Marketing Authorizations
Data as of September 30, 2024
Total of 128 Marketing Authorizations, including 124 CDRH devices and four CBER devices.
* This Breakthrough designation was granted for a single system, which now comprises multiple component devices authorized by multiple marketing submissions, as listed in the table.
What guidances related to the Breakthrough Devices Program are available?
- Final Guidance: Breakthrough Devices Program
- Factors to Consider When Making Benefit-Risk Determinations in Medical Device Premarket Approval and De Novo Classifications (Benefit Risk Final Guidance)
- Benefit-Risk Factors to Consider When Determining Substantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications (510(k)) with Different Technological Characteristics - Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff
- Requests for Feedback and Meetings for Medical Device Submissions: The Q-Submission Program
Who can I contact?
For any questions about the Breakthrough Devices program, please contact