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Educational Excellence Awards

Learn more about the 2023 Educational Excellence Awards Gala here.

2024 Educational Excellence Awards Gala

The third annual Indiana Educational Excellence Awards Gala will be held in Indianapolis on Friday, September 6. Up to $5 million in awards will be granted to schools to celebrate their progress and achievement in supporting student excellence and growth. Additionally, the event will spotlight the 2024 Indiana Teacher of the Year, Indiana’s 2023 Milken Educator Award recipients, and other dedicated educators from across the state.

The 2024 Excellence Awards will be presented to schools that are making significant progress toward improving achievement for all Indiana students. The size of each financial award will be based on the respective school’s total student population. Full award descriptions are below:

Excellence in STEM Award
This award will recognize an individual school that has expanded access to high-quality STEM learning opportunities for all students. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: implementation of research-based STEM instructional approaches, development of innovative community/industry partnerships, designation as a STEM Certified School/Program, increased opportunities for the STEM- and/or computer science-focused professional development of educators, or the expansion of access to and participation in STEM and/or computer science coursework, extracurricular activities, and other opportunities for students. 

Excellence in Leading and Learning Award
This award will recognize an individual school that provides high-quality professional learning support for educators. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: implementation of research-based professional development approaches, development of professional career ladders for educators, or the prioritization of initiatives focused on the recruitment and retention of high-quality educators. 

Excellence in Early Literacy Award
This award will recognize an individual school that has established strategies and partnerships to support all students in the mastery of foundational reading skills, specifically. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: prioritization of access to early learning opportunities, implementation of high-quality programs that lead to a high IREAD-3 pass rate for all students, or a focus on professional development opportunities to support educators in implementing the Science of Reading.

Excellence in Student Pathways
This award will recognize an individual school that prioritizes access to opportunities for work-based learning and apprenticeships. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: development of innovative community/industry partnerships, implementation of locally-created graduation pathways, a focus on professional development opportunities for educators supporting work-based learning and apprenticeships opportunities, and the expansion of access to work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities for students. 

Excellence in Community Collaboration
This award will recognize an individual school that is maximizing support for students through strategic collaboration with local and state partners. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: development of partnerships that expand the school’s reach within or beyond the community, prioritization of partnerships that foster the creation of collaborative solutions that positively impact the school and community, expansion of high-quality learning opportunities offered to students through partnerships, and implementation of procedures that foster an environment where community collaboration thrives. 

Excellence in Student-Centered Support
This award will recognize a district that has expanded access to evidence-based supports in the areas of academics and student well-being. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: access to high-quality tutoring opportunities, implementation of Comprehensive School Counseling framework, and designation as a Carrying the Torch to Student Success Gold Star Award recipient. 

Excellence in Academic Gains
This award will recognize an individual school that has made the most progress in improving achievement for all students. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: increased academic achievement for students as indicated by ILEARN English/language arts/Mathematics assessment results, prioritization of initiatives focused on accelerating learning, and implementation of progress monitoring and evidenced-based practices for students in need of extra support. 

Excellence in College Readiness
This award will recognize an individual school that has demonstrated a commitment to helping students earn a credential of value before graduating high school. One or more of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: completion of high-value postsecondary credentials for graduating seniors, implementation of strategies that support students reaching their highest potential on ACT and SAT examinations, and expansion of scholarship opportunities for students entering into a higher education institution upon graduating. 

Excellence in Next Level Educational Experiences and Opportunities
This award will recognize an individual school or district that is transformative in its holistic approach to prepare students for their future, including a focus on literacy, STEM, and college and career readiness. Most of the following must be demonstrated by the award recipient: prioritization of access to early learning opportunities, implementation of high-quality programs that lead to a high IREAD-3 pass rate for all students, a focus on professional development opportunities to support educators in implementing the science of reading, development of innovative community/industry partnerships, the expansion of access to work-based learning and apprenticeship opportunities for students, prioritization of partnerships that foster the creation of collaborative solutions that positively impact the school and community, expansion of high-quality learning opportunities offered to students through partnerships, and an intentional emphasis on the recruitment and retention of high-quality educators.

School awards are funded through the state’s federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief grant.