Launch BRRTS on the Web
The Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS) on the Web (BOTW) is DNR's comprehensive online database that provides information on contaminated properties and other cleanup and redevelopment activities in Wisconsin.
Please note that BOTW also includes information on sites and properties where environmental analysis has found little or no impact on human health or the environment, or no contamination at all. Such entries may be found under three different activity types: abandoned containers, no action required and general property.
The database is part of the DNR's Wisconsin Remediation and Redevelopment Database (WRRD) and includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
- Investigations and cleanups of contaminated soil, groundwater, sediment and vapor intrusion;
- Materials management sites;
- Spills or abandoned containers;
- Superfund sites; and
- DNR funding assistance.
You can also view most information from BOTW via RR Sites Map.
Supplemental Pages
A list of BOTW supplemental pages displaying additional data from the BRRTS database. Most pages contain "live" data that may be downloaded in real-time. To view the supplemental pages listed below, visit BOTW Supplemental Pages.
- Action Code Reference List
- Bulk Data Download
- Drycleaner Facility Listing
- Environmental Services Contractor List
- Liens/Notices of Contamination
- PFAS Site Listing
- OPEN Spill Incidents
First-time users
Please use the links listed in the "Additional Resources" box on the right side of this page to find database help, a glossary and disclaimers.
Other databases
The tank registry is a Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) database that includes both underground and aboveground tanks that are required to be registered. The database reflects only those tanks that have been registered.
If your search does not produce a tank, this does not guarantee that a tank does not exist on the property. Some tanks, such as heating fuel tanks in the basement of homes are not required to be registered. Some tanks, while required to be registered, have not been registered and therefore will not appear on the database.
If you can't find activities in BRRTS, please contact one of our Regional environmental program associates (EPAs). If you have suggestions regarding BRRTS, please send an email to Danielle Wincentsen.
To contact the DNR staff assigned to an active remediation site, click on the project manager's name on the Activity Details page (you must have an email client installed on your computer, such as Microsoft Outlook). Inquiries regarding closed sites, will be directed to a regional EPA. You may also look for Remediation and Redevelopment staff in the DNR Staff Directory.
Uncontaminated sites
BRRTS includes some locations where an environmental investigation has found contamination with little or no impact to human health and the environment, or no contamination at all. These entries may be found under three different activity types: abandoned containers, no RR action required and some activities under general property.
Health information
For information related to potential health impacts from contaminated sites, please see Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Environmental Health Resources [exit DNR]. It includes toxic chemical fact sheets.