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Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator

The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) is mandated to manage, protect, and perpetuate Oklahoma’s wildlife. ODWC issues permits to landowners, lessees or their designated agents to control nuisance or damage by regulated species of wildlife or feral hogs. The NWCO program was developed to provide assistance to the public who encounter such problems.

The NWCO program was not developed to address complex damage situations or problems with any and all forms of domestic or imported non-native wildlife, migratory birds, or any federally protected species. The Wildlife Services (WS) program of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is authorized, in both Federal and State law, to take necessary action in assisting any landowner in management and control of rodents, non-game birds, feral pigeons and furbearers on their property.

Oklahoma laws generally grant citizens substantive latitude to deal with wildlife problems and considerable assistance is available from USDA Wildlife Services. However, many landowners may prefer to employ individuals who are skilled and educated in handling human/wildlife conflicts. Although permitted and regulated by the ODWC, Nuisance Wildlife Control Operators (NWCOs) are not state employees. They operate as private enterprises and normally charge a fee or solicit a donation for their services.

The NWCO program was also developed to provide ODWC with a record of activities of those responding to nuisance wildlife calls/complaints and a reference base of various wildlife species; the types of problems that they cause and the frequency of such human conflicts. Additionally, the program provides documentation of the various methods used for addressing wildlife damage and human/wildlife conflicts.

Learn more about the program, or how to become an NWCO

Special Canada Goose Permit (SCGP): Nuisance goose control measures are separated into two designations and are listed under the “SCGP” column. NWCO’s that are designated as “A” are permitted to manage nuisance geese via egg /nest manipulation, and harassment. Those designated as “B” are permitted to trap and relocate nuisance geese. Relocation may only take place between March 11th to August 31st.

County Business Name Contact SCGP
Alfalfa Roger Kildow
Alfalfa Chris Cantellay
All Okie Critter Getter Llc
All Red Dirt Nuisance Wildlife Removal Llc
All Department Of Veterans Affairs
All Counties Mitchell Wildlife Control
All Counties Presto-X
All Counties Terminix
All Counties Neu Wildlife Control
All Ok Counties Critter Control / Trutech
All Ok Counties Enviromental Assistance Services Llc
All Ok Counties Elite Wildlife Operations
All Ok Counties Artemis Wildlife Solutions
All Ok Counties Enviromental Pest Control
All Ok Counties Meneely Wildlife Control
All Ok Counties Lance Nuisance Wildlife Trapping
All Ok Counties Elite Wildlife Operations (Inactive)
All Ok Counties Varmint Arrester Nuisance Services
Blaine North River Wildlife Control
Bryan/Wagoner Wildside Trapping Co
Canadian Calvary Wildlife Removal
Canadian Beavers Plus Nuisance Control
Canadian Town & Country Critter Evictor Inc
Canadian Country Lawn Care Llc
Cherokee Green Country Wildlife Specialists
Choctaw Mckee Ranch
Cleveland City Of Moore Animal Control
Cleveland City Of Moore
Cleveland Atlas Termite & Pest
Cleveland Armadillo Guy
Cleveland Atlas Termite And Pest Control
Cleveland Terminix Commercial
Cleveland Alpha Pest Solutions
Cleveland Champion Pest & Lawn
Cleveland, Canadian, Oklahoma, Lincoln, Grady, Mcclain, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Garvin, Pontotoc All Wildlife Prevention & Solution
Cleveland, Pottawatomie, Seminole, Okfuskee Will Childress
Clevland Atlas Termite & Pest Control
Comanche Rosen Carpenter Trapping
Comanche Vet Pride Services
Comanche, Caddo D & S Nwco
Craig Fast Attack Predator Control
Craig Fast Attack Predator Control
Craig Big D's Nuisance Wildlife Control Llc
Craig, Rogers, Mayes, Nowatta Yarbrough's Nuisance Control
Creek Urban Pest And Wildlife Managment, Inc.
Custer B & B Trapping
Custer B&B Trapping
Delaware Grand Country Pest Control
Delaware Grand Country Pest Control
Delaware Crosby Wildlife Control Llc
Delaware Wendell Hillhouse
Delaware Dukes Trapping
Garfield Johndrow's Pest Control Inc
Garfield Avian Engineers
Garfield Affs
Garfield Asrc Federal Field Services
Garfield Wesley Anderson
Garvin Gentlemen Gopher Solutions Llc
Grady Jenkins Wildlife Control
Grady Gopher Girl
Haskell Haskell County Harvesters
Indiana Robert S Wendt
Kay Ponca City Regional Airport
Kay Ultimate Pest Management
Kay Lester Goodger
Kingfisher Justin Creps
Lincolm, Pottowatomie Dennis Fowler Beaver Control
Lincoln Justin W Kafitz
Lincoln Absolute Wildlife Control
Logan, Oklahoma, Canadian Skunk Bait Wildlife Control Llc
Major Wildlife Solutions
Mayes Critter Gitter Wildlife Removal Llc
Mayes Critter Control
Mays, Wayne Animal Nuisance Control
Mcclain No Name
Mcclain Justin's Critter Roundup
Mcclain Grady, Garvin, Cleveland Redline Wildlife Solutions
Mcintosch Pied Piper Pest, Termite & Lawn
Muskogee Jordans Wildlife Control
Muskogee Stratton Pest
Muskogee Jason T Green
Muskogee Raptor Abatement
Muskogee Oden Wildlife Removal
Muskogee Vanish Pest And Wildlife Specialist Llc
Ne Ok Counties Troy Creel
Ne Oklahoma Sarah Bagby Buelow
Noble Monty Hawkins
Noble Central Oklahoma Master Conservancy District
Ok G And C Outdoors
Oklahoma Akima Range Readiness Operations
Oklahoma Akima Range Readiness Operations
Oklahoma Critter Control
Oklahoma Wildlife Removal & Prevention Ser
Oklahoma Kg-Swfs
Oklahoma Pied Piper Pest Termite Lawn
Oklahoma Terminix
Oklahoma Redbeards
Oklahoma Kg-Swfs
Oklahoma Dog Gone Critters
Oklahoma King Pest
Oklahoma National Wildlife Control Consulting & Staffing
Oklahoma Terminix Commercial
Oklahoma Critter Control
Oklahoma Critter Control
Oklahoma Caleb Mclaren
Oklahoma West Tractor Llc
Oklahoma Cason Wildlife Mgmt
Oklahoma King Pest
Oklahoma Orkin
Oklahoma Terminix
Oklahoma Sure Shot Pest And Weed Control
Oklahoma Humane Wildlife Control Of Oklahoma
Oklahoma Okc Mosqutio Militia
Oklahoma, Canadian Humane Wildlife Control Of Ok
Oklahoma, Cleveland, Canadian, Mcclain Critter Control
Oklahoma, Logan, Cleveland Oklahoma Wildlife Solutions Llc
Okmulgee Darrin Unruh
Okmulgee Daniel C Colombin Jr.
Osage Matthew Mccabe
Osage, Kay Andrew Dressen
Pawnee Daniel B Halterman
Payne Daniel Fischer
Pittsburg William Scherman
Pontotoc, Coal, Hughes, Murray, Seminole, Garvin Britt Animal Removable
Pottawatomie Twisted Oak Beaver Trapping
Pottawatomie Little Stinkers
Rodgers Critter Control
Rogers Triple "C" Trapping
Rogers Warden Wildlife Control
Rogers Dog Creek Wildlife Service
Rogers Covington's Nuisance Wildlife Removal
Sequoyah 4K Nuisance Wildlife Control
Sequoyah Martin Nuisance Wildlife And Habitat Llc
Sequoyah,Muskogee,Cherokee 4K Nuisance Wildlife Control
Statewide Jesse Phillips
Statewide Murray Wildlife Solutions, Llc
Statewide Murray Wildlife Solutions, Llc
Tu;Lsa Critter Control
Tulsa Rhema Bible College
Tulsa Aaac Wildlife Removal
Tulsa Loomacres Wildlife Management
Tulsa Mission Wildlife
Tulsa Critter Control
Tulsa Critter Control
Tulsa Tulsa Zoo Management Inc.
Tulsa Dandi Guaranty Pest Solutions
Tulsa Critter Control
Tulsa Critter Gitter Wild Removal Services
Tulsa Trapper John's Wildlife Solutions
Tulsa Yardvarks
Tulsa Lovelace Wildlife Control
Tulsa, Payne Chad Clock
Tulsa, Wagoner, Oklahoma Dandi Guaranty Pest Solutions
Tulsa, Wagoner, Oklahoma Dandi Guaranty Pest Solutions
Tulsa/Osage Creek Side Trapping
Wagoner Envirotech Exterminating
Wagoner Anc
Wagoner All Pest Exterminating
Washington J&L Nuisance Wildlife Control
Washington Predator Impact Llc
Washington Predator Impact, Llc.
Washington Predator Impact Llc
Woods Max Horn