Representative Heather Scott - District 1
Are YOU Being Defined by This Lexicon?
The above graphic includes screen shots from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) current “extremism lexicon” that was developed in 2009 during the Obama Administration. This lexicon has not been repealed or superseded by the current administration. Wikipedia lists this as the current version, and the terms contained in it are being used by media to label Conservative Christians and politicians across the country as "right-winged extremists." None of us should forget the previous administration's gross misuse and political weaponization of many federal agencies including the Department of Justice, the FBI, the EPA, the IRS and the corrupt use of the FISA process. (LINK TO SOURCE)
Many mainstream media, certain individual journalists, and Wikipedia bloggers, as well as political opponents, have been desperately attempting through trickery, deception, and lying, to make one or more of these labels stick to me. They fear my personal beliefs about limited government, state sovereignty, protection for the unborn and the 2nd Amendment. This is not just happening to me, but other conservative Christian leaders across the country, including the president himself. Need proof? Watch my video. (LINK TO STATEMENT AND VIDEO).
Since the release of this video, nearly a dozen of my friends and legislative colleagues have been contacted by a certain reporter in his attempt to paint a deceptive picture of who I am in a hit piece to be released this coming week. This list includes our Speaker of the House, Senators and their children, several Representatives and folks I am barely acquainted with. Here is an example of one such message I got:
These lexicon terms are even starting to show up here in Idaho by agenda-driven groups to promote their vision for Idaho. Below is just one of several examples of the lexicon term "extremists" being used by the Idaho Education Association to describe citizens, parents or any opponent of the Common Core curriculum. This elitist rhetoric is dangerous tactic to silence voices and destroy our Republic.
What Can Be Done to Stop the Political Weaponization of Labels?
If you or someone you know has been harassed by being labeled one of the following "Constitutionalist, anti-abortionist, Extreme, Right Wing, Patriot Movement, Christian Group, White Supremacist, White Nationalist, Domestic Terrorist, etc." or are concerned about the labeling of citizens whose ideas are different than the governments ideas, please consider asking President Trump to STOP the Political Weaponization of Labels by signing the petition.
If you want to follow the progress on our Abortion Human Rights Act (AHRA) which is House Bill 361, please visit the Abolish Abortion ID website (LINK to END ABORTION SITE) for the latest updates, questions and answers about the bill and bill language. You can also sign the petition and receive updates on our progress with this legislation.
Unfortunately, the biggest hurdle to get this bill passed is the entrenched Boise “pro-life” lobbyists. In particular, Right to Life Idaho and Idaho Chooses Life will not support our legislation to completely end abortion in Idaho. This should baffle any true pro-life advocate and certainly begs the question, what is their real motivation for being a “pro-life “lobbyist?
Idaho Chooses Life has actually come out with a draft of a bill that is polar opposite of the AHRA. Their draft bill recognizes "judicial supremacy" of the supreme courts and says if Roe vs Wade is ever overturned, Idaho will punish abortionists but still allow the murder of babies for certain situations. The supreme court’s opinions are called opinions for a reason. Currently 46 states have had no trouble ignoring the supreme court's opinion when it comes to marijuana use.
“Judicial Supremacy” or the idea that the supreme court is the absolute final authority on law reminds me of the well-known book by Hans Christian Andersen The Emperor’s New Clothes. In the story, two weavers pretend to weave an emperor new clothes and convince the emperor that anyone who is unfit for office, incompetent or stupid is not able to see the clothes. Since no one wants to appear unfit for their position, or stupid, everyone in the book goes along with the charade, including the emperor himself. It finally takes one, simple boy at a parade to point out that the emperor is actually wearing no clothes.
In the same way, today most are convinced of the scheme that the Supreme Court has absolute authority, while in reality AHRA points out that the Supreme Court actually does NOT possess absolute authority. Hopefully, like all of the townspeople in the book, Idaho citizens and legislators will realize AHRA, like the boy in the story, is right, and we can all discontinue the charade of judicial supremacy.
The AHRA legislation is being championed because it mandates the only true morally sound path for Idaho and the United States to take to protect our greatest treasure, our children. Its unexpected benefit of showing the federal government that Idaho will stand up against judicial supremacy and that unlike many other states, show that Idaho places the unborn on an infinitely higher level of importance than marijuana. What if the Supreme Court said no more guns?
The best way you can help advance this bill is to educate your two Representatives and your Senator, and not only ask for a "yes" vote on this bill but ask them to become an advocate for AHRA. Here is a link where you can type your home address in and find out who your legislators are. (Who's My Legislator LINK)
To view previous updates please visit my website at : (Link to Old Newsletters)
Have a great weekend!